    what happens when you quit smoking?

    0  Views: 384 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Most of the effects of nicotine in your system will begin to fade faster than you think, while some of the more dangerous problems might take years to heal.
    When all the nicotine is out of your body you will begin to feel better, you will look better and you will once again be able to taste food the way it really tastes.

    You will also start to reverse all the damage you have done to your lungs and heart. You will stop coughing first thing in the morning when you get up, you will be able to walk without getting out of breath.

    The benefits of quitting smoking are great. The most important is that you will stop killing yourself one cigarette at a time.
    you also save a small fortune in money
    A big side effect is you eat more and gain weight, nicotine suppresses the appetite, not to mention it's an oral fixation and you may want to get some mint tooth pics for a short time.

    It's a good idea to start an exercise program the same time you quit smoking, it makes the weight gain less of a factor, and also replaces a bad habit with a good one.

    Congrats on your decision to quit, stick with it and don't cave in. Unless you're just asking the question?

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