    Do you have something of sentimental value?

    +7  Views: 1299 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    8 March 2016

    Some years ago, my wife came home with several cartons, each one full of various objects. A friend of hers, whose mother had died, asked my wife to help her pack the smaller items left behind. A lot of the objects were to be thrown into the trash bin and it was these that my wife brought home.

    I breathed a sigh of relief when told they were for Jutta, a close friend, who had a pitch at the local flea-market. One item, half buried, caught my eye and upon lifting it out of the carton I discovered a ceramic Rooster. I was happy, this is mine come home to roost! no flea market for him.

    He is 43 cm. high, white and beautifully hand painted in Delft Blue. He has had a broken neck and wing and been carefully restored. He is not an original Delft Blue because there is no maker’s stamp or mark, but that matters not in the least.

    He is Jonny, named after a real rooster we once had and loved.


    That's a nice little story west-bus.I always wanted to own a rooster and chickens.Unfortunately you are not allowed to have a rooster if you live in high residential areas because of the cock-a-doodle-doos they do at the crack of dawn.

     My wedding band from Roy has great sentimental value to me, not only because it was given to me from Roy but because it was his mother's wedding band which he wore around his neck since his mother passed away in 1988.

     Roy had a vivid dream about his parents and the ring. Roy's dad was holding the wedding band in his hand and passed the ring to Roy's mum then Roy's mum handed the ring to Roy.  Roy knew this dream was a way for his parents to let him know they approve of me and it's okay to give me the ring. Thanks mum and dad. xo


    Roys mum has gave you and Roy her blessing from above.I'm sure you will treasure the ring.
    All the Best to you both.
    country bumpkin

    Thank you. :)

    The engagement ring I was given had been his grandmother's. It was simple and "antiqued". Fit perfectly, which I took as a good sign. It was later reset into my wedding band and was perfect then, too. You'd think with such a perfect ring.... lol
    country bumpkin

    LOL.... You'd think!

    Roy's mum's ring fits me perfectly too. I didn't think it would fit since his mum was a petite woman under 5' tall.

    Just another little sign that you and Roy are meant to be.

    A whole box full of my stuff was lost when my parents relocated many years ago.Football trophies & photos,Army discharge papers & lots of other memorabelia.They said they lost it.Maybe they dumped it.I'll never know.


    Things that happen like this are hard to forget.Just the unknowing leaves you with a feeling of grief.

    I was the Organizer,captain,secretary of our cricket club for 8 years,,every year i would buy the trophy's for the different players who achieved different goals throughout the season,,on my final year with the club,they presented me with a trophy which read,"for best Organizer Captain Secretary of this club".there is no words to explain that moment..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..   


    Yeah it sure makes you feel proud and a sense of belonging.
    terryfossil 1

    When i joined the club Pyth,i was a recovering alcoholic,,and i was trying to find something to get my mind off drink,,from that day to today i have not had a drink,,i am very thankfull to God and that club,which changed it's name a few times,,depending on who was sponsoring us..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    ....the cats.

    enough to open my own junk yard....


    :D You probably have nothing on Doris, my neighbour.
    I have quite a few of those. Things from my grandparents and parents, all of whom are now deceased. I use them all the time, each time I pick them up it reminds me of that person and how I saw them use the item while they were alive.

    I does make me feel sad they are gone and at the same time glad that I had them around as long as I did. Life goes by so fast, remembering even the small everyday things help you cherish it for a bit longer.

    I keep a lot of, letters, notes.



    I can't bear to throw away lovely birthday cards either.

    Especially the ones with personal notes written in them.

    My mom had one of every Christmas card she and my dad ever sent, and every card and letter she (and he) received for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. I kept the ones from the 1930s
    Sure do, my fathers spurs and medals from WW1. Also his medals from WW2 and my brothers` medals WW2.
    Photos of family taken in 1800s.
    I have the ashes of my 15 year old poodle. I loved him so much and finally had to put him to sleep. I decided to cremate him and will keep his ashes forever. I plan to have them mixed with mine and put to sea in Sardinia. We both loved it there so much.
    Yes, I think most of us do. Although the only things I have that really mean something are the things I cannot replace. Something that was given to me buy a person who is now deceased. When my Apt. was broken into, those were the only things I cared about and most of them had no monetary value at all.
    Yes, and when I pick up those items I feel closer to the people who had them during the course of their lives. It is amazing how little trinkets can put you right in touch with those loved ones.
    Sure I do most people do its human nature

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