    what does address violation at address 100057AB in module shellvRTF.dll

    what does address violation at address 100057AB in module shellvRTF.dll mean I am using windows 7 home version

    0  Views: 387 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    shellvrtf.dll is a ShellvRTF from XSS belonging to XSS ShellvRTF Non-system processes like shellvrtf.dll originate from software you installed on your system.

    As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now.

    System process errors are mainly due to problems with conflicting applications running on your PC.

    Consider uninstalling any applications you are not using or selectively disable or remove unnecessary background and auto-start processes.

    The safest way to stop these errors is to uninstall the application and run a registry scan to remove any residue or corrupt entries.

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