    how to start roofing shingels

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    How to Install a Shingle Roof
    John Albers
    John Albers has been a freelance writer since 2007. He's successfully published articles in the "American Psychological Association Journal" and online at Garden Guides, Title Goes Here, Mindflights Magazine and many others. He's currently expanding into creative writing and quickly gaining ground. John holds dual Bachelor of Arts degrees from the University of Central Florida in English literature and psychology.
    By John Albers, eHow Contributor
    How to Install a Shingle Roofthumbnail A Roof Being Professionally Shingled

    During the construction of every home, the roofing is often one of the most time-consuming tasks the builders will have to do. The most common roofing material that is used is shingles, asphalt shingles to be precise. It's typical to let experienced roofers do this task, but in the interest of the Do-It-Yourself craze, here are detailed instructions on how to install your own shingle roof.

    Moderately Challenging

    Things You'll Need

    * Roofer's Nails
    * Nail Guns or Hammers
    * 15 Pound Roofing Felt
    * Measuring Tapes
    * Ladders
    * Roofing Cement
    * Caulking Guns
    * Roofing Shingles
    * Shingle Cutters
    * Putty Knife

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    Installing A Shingle Roof
    * 1

    Begin by measuring the dimensions of the roof. You will need this information in order to figure out how much roofing felt, shingles, and nails to purchase. Measure the total width of the roof and multiple it by the total length. This gives you the square footage of the roof which must be covered. All the necessary materials can be purchased at any home construction and repair store. Simply buy roofing felt in an equal square footage to the roof. Shingles are sold in “Squares” comprised of three of four packages each. Take the square footage of the roof and divide it by one hundred. This is the number of squares you must purchase. For each square you will also need three pounds of roofing nails to account for the felt and the shingles. They can be bought in loose bags or in welded strips to allow them to be loaded into a nail gun for easy use.
    * 2

    Place and lay out the roofing felt over the plywood boards that form the first layer of the house’s roof. The boards are placed and nailed down by the carpenters who worked on the house, so you need not concern yourself with this layer. When putting the felt down remember that this is meant to be a waterproof seal on the roof. Lay the felt down one roll at a time. They should be in vertical rows from the apex of the roof down to its edge; the sides of each row should overlap slightly. Nail the sides of one row firmly into place before moving onto the next until the entire room is covered.
    * 3

    Use your caulking gun to put a thick layer of roof cement on the head of each nail in the felt. Wipe the layer smooth using your putty knife. When the roof cement dries it will prevent water from leaking through the seam between the nail and the felt, getting water into your attic.
    * 4

    Start shingling the roof when the roofing cement has dried. Begin by carrying all the shingles up onto the roof. This is a difficult and extremely labor intensive task. Shingles are very heavy. Lay out a row of shingles that spans the circumference of the roof. Use your shingle cutters to trim off the flaps of these shingles, so only the solid seven inch long half of the shingles remain. Nail these shingles to the very edge of the roof. Use about four nails per shingle; make sure they are closely packed when you place them. This creates something called a starter strip, and will be effective in keeping rain and melt water from seeping in through the roof’s lip.
    * 5

    Place another layer of shingles over the starter strip. Shift them to the side so the divides of the shingles that make up the starter strip do not line up with the second layer. It’s the same principle as laying bricks; you never stack them straight up. you stagger them so they have greater stability. The flaps of the shingle should overlap the starter strip almost entirely, with the solid portion of the shingles lying further up the slope.
    * 6

    Place a third layer around the edges of the roof. You want to work your way up from the edge of the roof to the apex. Place the flaps of the shingle so it covers the solid portion of the layer below it. Use four nails for each shingle, nailed into the center of the solid portion. The flaps should be left free, not held down. Again shift this layer to the side so the divides between the shingles below this layer don’t form an even line. Repeat this process until the entire roof is covered.

    Depending on where you live, you may need to lay an ice shield or barrier along the bottom edge.

    Read more: How to Install a Shingle Roof |

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