    ive got 2 hens and a rooster,there all free range,ive had them just about a year now,this morning my rooster can hardly walk and hez just so lifeless,whats wrong with him

    0  Views: 431 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Have you wormed him? Chickens and roosters need worming every three months. I had a problem with one of my chickens, she was the same as your rooster. I found that she had not drunk the worm mixture in the container. So, I had to use a syringe, without a needle, to give her a dose of some worming liquid via her mouth. It took two of us to do it because she wasn't very happy about it. A few days later, she was as bright as a button. In future, I will give it to her via the mouth. I will not rely on her drinking from the container full of the medicine.
    My dad said... " you have too many hens" sorry it is funny he is terminal and still has that sense of humor.... He may be dehydrated.. But you need to get him to the vet.. there are many communicable diseases with birds...

    seriously ... he is an old farmer.. he said that the high ration feed can get them "down in the legs"....
    I told you last night, take him to a vet. By the sounds of it, you've waited to long. He may be dead before the day is out.

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