    The Bible, a Series?

    Why is the Bible simply a plagiarized book from ancient mythology?

    +1  Views: 2874 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago
    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Shadow I believe your question is just, to a point. The bible was written by man who is bias and mistake prone. Then the Catholic church decided what went in and in what way as well as what did not so I am voting you thumbs up on this question.

    8 Answers

    Shadow I'm sure you haven't done your homework on this subject. I'm not knocking you, but if you really want to prove the bible wrong, you are going to have to study it and check into all of it's sources.
    There is an huge amount of material on the web regarding this subject. You may be surprised in what you may find?

    Good luck with your future endeavors.

    <a href="/users/99/raider8763/">@Raider</a>, there are more versions than just the Catholic Bible, I'm sure you know this.
    The King James Bible version is different from the Catholic's Bible.

    The Bible is not a book, but several books written by different people from their reference point. Yet the stories are the same, how do you explain that, If not GOD inspired? All the prophecies that are right on also.


    I'm sorry but the fact that many people wrote parts of the bible from their own perspective yet wrote very similar stories actually isnt evidence of anything.Most of them were written in the 1st and 2nd century when the story of Jesus and the rest of it would have had plenty of time to spread far n wide.Remember where this all took place on the edges of the Mediterranian which had been an incredibly busy trading network for a thousand years.Rome's Empire was at it's height so people,ideas and preachers could move around from one side of the Empire to the other with relative ease.It's not like a collection of totally isolated people miracullously came up with the story completely independantly.The likelyhood is the story was common currency n thats how they wrote such similar stories

    Thank you, Mindblade16.  You are able to explain this sensitive matter calmly.  By and large I am in agreement with your discussion.

    There is Freedom of Speech in this country.  This is not exclusively a Christian country.  This is America.  You don't have to be less of a Christian, Grandpa, if you allow people to discuss openly regarding the Bible.  There are numerous contradictions in the Bible, yet I hope you do not lose your faith in God despite of all these contradictions, just like you don't stop loving your country because of some imperfections.  Naturally we expect all who discuss any religion to be respectful herein.

    Grandpa, the Bible was put together by numerous people and prophets in a span of a few hundred years.  I would expect things to change over time, hence, some contradictions.  Why duck the contradictions?  Embrace them.  Explain to the non-believers why you believe the way you believe.

    I pointed out, in my previous question, the King Solomon controversy regarding his 700 wives and 300 concubines, condoned in the Books of Nehemiah and Chronicles, yet disapproved in Timothy 3:2.  A gentleman responded with a one liner to dismiss my question.  Sure, I knew that the Book of Nehemiah and Timothy were written over 600 years apart and you would expect the culture to change over time.  Go look at my question and tell me if I was being disrespectful or blasphemous.

    If you think your religion, Grandpa, is the only right religion, you'll never find true peace in this world.  Why? The followers of other religion are just as convinced theirs is the real deal.  Also, just look at the lady that claimed there was Muslim religion.  Muslims are people.  She is so naive that she doesn't even know there's no such thing as Muslim religion, only Islam as a religion. 

    So, please stop with the dogma and let's get the discussion going.  This is the right forum for discussion, not a place to stick it in your face.


    yes a lot of books ,the bible is so,complexed,it allows for all to be trure,or false,according to interpretation,

    If you want God's word, read the Koran. The words were given by God to Mohammed via the Angel Gabriel. Moh'd was illiterate so he gave the words to Khadija his wife who wrote them down, thus the Koran.
    That is why every word is God's truth.

    We were always told that much of the bible is allegorical and not meant to be taken literally.I'm afraid thou that Shadow is perfectly right that the christian story of Mary and Jesus,the virgin birth n dying on the cross was part of the Egyptian religion.What about Zeus,not a million miles from the name Jesus is it??.Whether that invalidates christianity or shows a common thread runs thru most religions is anybodys guess but if the truth has been refined over time maybe we should become muslims.If it's been diluted then maybe the Pagans have it as it can be traced back to Messiolithic times.The trouble with religion and a holy book is it breeds doctrine.The trouble with the bible is its somebody writing on events centuries past.The fact many people wrote it n said similar things means nothing,certainly not proof.Pick up a magazine you'll find many writers contributed.

    Headless Man

    A magazine, you know thats no comparison, they didn't have copy machines, printing machines and the internet, it was done on long scrolls that took years to right.

    We were always told that much of the bible is allegorical and not meant to be taken literally.I'm afraid thou that Shadow is perfectly right that the christian story of Mary and Jesus,the virgin birth n dying on the cross was part of the Egyptian religion.What about Zeus,not a million miles from the name Jesus is it??.Whether that invalidates christianity or shows a common thread runs thru most religions is anybodys guess but if the truth has been refined over time maybe we should become muslims.If it's been diluted then maybe the Pagans have it as it can be traced back to Messiolithic times.The trouble with religion and a holy book is it breeds doctrine.The trouble with the bible is its somebody writing on events centuries past.The fact many people wrote it n said similar things means nothing,certainly not proof.Pick up a magazine you'll find many writers contributed.

    I believe there is something out there which/who is somewhat of a guiding factor being known to earhlings as God. No one here on the earth knows. Organized religion claim they are each the knowledgeble ones, however, the only truth there is that they can't all be right. I know little about religions other than Christian, so I address my beliefs accordingly.

    It is a fact that the Bible is replete with plagiarisms. About 3,000 years before the Christian Christ, there was an Egyptian god, Horas. He has gone down in history as having been born of a virgin, being able to do magic (miracles), had 12 loyal buddies, was killed by crusifixion then came back from the dead, etc. Sound familiar? Then there were others who followed these lifelines, until about 300 BC when Mirtha was born somewhere in that same part of the world. Yep, he was born from a virgin, did magic, died on the cross and then came back to life.

    That brings us up to about year 00. Same part of the world and same life story. Seems the Bible and Jesus is the fake here, not any god.

    I have a feeling that those who protest my statement, will start quoting the Bible here. I hope all will see the irony of that logic. The Bible is simply another historical document written by man.

    Why is it that Christians always anwer religious questions with quotes from their Bible? Don't they understand the Bible is a two-thousand year old work of fiction and that is exactly what non-Christian find so incomprehensible?


    So I guess you don't believe the civil war in the united states happened either huh?


    Was the bible a work of fiction? I believe the answer to that is yes and no. There have been qualified historians that have connected some stories and figures from the bible to recorded events in history, but another fact remains. People need a story to base their beliefs on. It would be easier to string together actual events with the threads of fiction just to formulate a perfect pattern of stories. The bible seems too good to be true, to most people. I've seen this happen in other books as well.

    Headless Man

    But how do you explain the prophecies that has come true? Has any other book been able to do that?

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