    If your spouce passed away either because of a accident or illness, would you find another mate or stay single ?

    +4  Views: 435 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    My spouse passed away very suddenly at age 49 after a little over 8 years of a wonderful marriage. I never felt I would marry again but did so two years later. Just not meant to be alone...
    Probably stay single, I don't think anyone would want an old broad like me anyway. Oh well! No beauty left, but I got a whole lotta experience in life issues. Plus, it would be hard to replace someone so perfect for me. He, he! Don't tell him I said that, don't want his head to swell!
    It does not bare thinking about. My whole life is in Gods hands. He would guide me. I would not like to be on my own

    Were you sending a hint as to how you should be "guided" by saying "I would not like to be on my own"?

    No, not a hint. Simply saying that I would not want to grow old alone. I know God will always be with me. Its good to have a companion on Earth
    Stay single

    stay on my own I would feel I would be letting him down if I found any one else and I couldnt live with my selve feeling that way any way its a horrible subject thoe good question

    after all the crap my spouse put me through. im not thinking about anyone else
    If my spouse died I think I would probably stay on my own after 28 years not sure I could take training a new man.

    You're spot on. I think it's too risky.
    I would not get married again.

    I would date.. But I dont think I could live with another man.... And definatly not untill my kids are out of the house....


    good common sense answer.

    Stay single. No one could ever replace my wife. You would also still have your loved ones around you.

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