    Is it "Normal" to get depressed just before your youngest graduates high school and moves away to college? I can't seem to shake this!

    +2  Views: 1990 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Yes it is - called normally the empty nest syndrome
    Everyone you know .. all of your childrens friends parents are feeling the same way. Some may be hiding it or playing it down... but this is hard time for all of you.. Though you child my be excited about leaving they are nevous and perhaps a little scared.. But they will never admit it.
    Of course it would not be human otherwise...(:
    Wrong Stefy. When my youngest son when away to Amherst, Massachusetts my wife cried other way there and other way back non stop. Kidding you not. We live barely two hours away (by car) and you would think he moved to the far corner of Iceland. And then she cries some more when he came to visit for holidays or long weekends. This was almost three years ago and now when I mentioned those episodes to her she just laugh and call me a liar. It will pass, that is what I am trying to tell you. You will get over in time, but it is ok to cry your eyeballs out. That shows that you are a good mother and you feel for your kids. Some others cannot wait to see their kids move out and stay out.
    Yes, my mom had four kids and I am the youngest, I remember how sad she was after I moved out, we talked about it for sometime. It's natural for you women to love and care such an endearing quality... Mother's are awesome, you love and care so much about your kids.

    Thanks you mom's from all of us kids, we love and appreciate all you have sacrificed for us, remember that when you are feeling down, how much your children appreciate you.

    Call them when you are thinking about them, tell them you miss them. Hope it gets easier for you with time... Cheer up Mom, your kids love you and will carry fond memories of you (long after you are called home).
    Stefy, thumbs up for your question
    Why is it that no one else seems to be going through it except me?

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