    how to get rid of human urine smell out of your house

    my son is a constant bed wetter

    0  Views: 626 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Since it's odor coming from your son's bed because he wets it so much, your best bet is to toss the mattress and get one that is moister proofed with a bed wetters covering to keep the mattress from being saturated in urine. Until your son stops wetting his bed so much, you may have to go to pull ups or small adult style underwear that have fillers to absorb the urine for when he's sleeping. Depending on your son's age and if he's well beyond the toilet training years, you may want to consult a doctor for his problem of bed wetting. It could be an underlying medical or psychological condition.
    Sounds like the mattress HAS GOT TO GO.
    If that's the only place your son is peeing then that's the source of the smell. I would put plastic mattress covers on the new bed until his problem is over.

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