    Why doesn't my new Windows 7 computer save my changed settings when I reboot? It always defaults to the original settings, even after I tell it (click on) to save MY settings.

    0  Views: 1016 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    We have Windows 7 at work and have had it for awhile I do not have it at home as I have a Mac. But it seemed like that I had a lot of trouble getting it to do that also. I think I had to go into options and pick everything and sometimes it still does not work. Like for instance I have noticed that when I set for full justication as I like all my letters at work to be like that as I think it looks more professional I have to click on it everytime. But if I am not mistaken someone told me you can go on Microsoft in goggle and print out a lot of good tips for doing things on Word 7? I am not sure I am going to try that when I go back to work and see. Hope this helps. At first I hated 7 now I like it better but I have noticed it does have some quirks. Never used XP but I have heard a lot of complaints from those that had it. Good luck I would try to print those tips out. Hope that helps?

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