Dear community. I would like to say sorry if anyone was offended by a question or questions asked by my computer.(NOT ME) SOME INCONSIDERATE A/H where I work has used my laptop without authority. Unfortunately I rush off from work and left it on, on my desk. I don't know for certain if any questions were asked but I guess as my accound has been suspended and putting 2 + 2 together that's exactly what has happened. My email accounts have been violated as well. So my fault for leaving it signed in I guess. So if my account is, or is not re instated then all I can do is say sorry once again. I am not the kind of person who would ask anything inappropriate. Regards Rushie54
11 Answers
They were all very very sexual ,some sickening ,the screen was full of sexual questions from Rushie54 no one was answering any of them , I felt that everyone was as shocked as me I think the time was somewhere between 12noon and one I will look into my Questions to see if there is a time because I commented on them.
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I'm a very religious man so you can be assured that if these questions were indecent they most definately did not come from my mind. There were alot of young men in the office then. I guess it's funny to stitch someone up. Yes Ha Ha very funny. You just can't believe that whilst comforting my grandson my good name was being destroyed.
14 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Thankyou my only two mistakes were not to turn my computer off when I heard my grandchild was rushed into hospital. and to trust the people I work with.
14 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
I sincerely hope your grandchild is all right. But, in regards to your apology, it was quite nice and very heartfelt but I believe you can just click on your name and see the history of your questions and answers easily.
Glad to hear nothing serious with your grandchild! It always freaks parents and grandparents out when their offspring are hurt or hurting for that matter!