    A question for women only: In simply walking past a man in a supermarket, what behavior, attitude, and physical characteristics would you find most appealing?

    Simply speaking as a woman regardless of marital status.

    +3  Views: 1536 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    Sorry when I go to the supermarket I am in there to get what I need and get out watching men in the supermarket does not cross my mind nor do I even care.

    I didn't mean purposely observing...but more subconsciously realizing what you realize of what is in your surroundings. When I shop, I'm there to get what I came for, and get on with the rest of my day also. Thank You for the comment though!

    12 Answers


    Bwahaha :)

    Most women in the supermarket where we shop would probably appreciate a man who would pass things down for them so they don't have to get out of their wheelchair.

    For the older crowd out there - a man that comes across as a gentleman, polite and pleasant. I'm also attracted to someone with a sense of humor.
    The first thing I notice is how he smells.. then his smile.. If he does not smile it is an instant turn off. Polite and well cempt.
    I notice the items in the cart as well as the person.
    check the frozen food section, most men cant cook, that only means they need a good women... sorry any time a post says "for women only" you know us men have to look .. its our nature
    country bumpkin

    Shame on you Daren1!

    HaHaHa!!! Like it! Honesty..........
    Most men in supermarkets are old, bald and most likely married.

    Are you calling me old & bald??
    I go to the supermarket all the time.

    Yes, but you are married and wear a wig!

    Do you catch each others' eyes,  his age and relative build ( not too extreme in either direction), smells great, if you get that close,  fresh food in the cart,  his ability to make a clever or classy remark, smile sincerely at him and recognize the potential with this individual. as you see he does, too.........................and then and go home to your husband...............................

    how hot he looked,pesonality,bad boy,pretective (not 2 protected),not rude,not childish and not violent

    It would be most appealing and of the grandest character if he paid for my groceries!!!Peace.

    By stipulation I am not permitted to comment on your question which I found trivial, and of no consequence.     


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