    Your parents did what?

    Do you recall your parents doing something in public or when family was around that embarrassed the heck out of you?


    +9  Views: 1473 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    My grandpa used to raise his leg up no matter where or who in front of and rip out a big noisy poot
    they made me wear clothes at my junior prom
    Ms Sinclair

    Why did they have to? Were you going to go naked?
    terryfossil 1

    don't answer any questions on that one Daren

    i got passed on to my Grandfather when i was in early teens. and lived with him in a tin humpy at the back of a cane field,,after a week of cutting cane,he would always take me into town on saturday,i would roam around town and he would go to the pub and get drunk,i would always meet him at 3 o'clock in the main street to get a taxi to go home,,and he would embarrass me by chucking his arm around me and from the middle of the street,, proclaiming to the whole town what a good grandson i was ,,i call him a great person,he taught me to cut cane and he was in his 60's and we would work till sun up till sundown,and i could not keep up with him,,Men back then were what i call a man,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    country bumpkin

    Grandfather's are awesome!
    I love what you've written here.
    lindilou kick royal butt terryfossil......cutting cane? That is back breaking tedious WORK in capital letters...xox LL
    terryfossil 1

    thanks lindi,hope you don't mind me calling you lindi,,reminds me of when i used to drive lindy forklifts...nice talking as always,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    ...ha ha....Mom made us dance the Lindy in her kitchen with her...what a hoot! p.s. just don't call me late for dinner.. ;)

    My mom was very opinionated.  If she didn't like someone, she was VERY obvious about it to the point and beyond of rude. 
    My dad used to buy all the band candy we brought home. We'd bring home more, and he'd buy that, too.  I wish he'd have told us to stop bringing it home. I was just excited about selling so much candy. Our pantry was filled with boxes of band candy. 


    my maternal Grandpa used to bring us a HUGE "ration" box of sweets ea Sunday!..He was one in a million..and used to bore his workmates stupid with his "Grandpa`s boastin book"..Full of pictures of us naughty scragamuffins!!..Mum used to go mad at so many sweets...but of course we loved it/him..he was a great lovely Grandpa..I still miss him even though he died in 1976...but kind of weird my first placement as a student nurse was the ward he passed on!..kind of comforting!!!:-)

    Mum a physio..and still p.time @ 92 YRS OLD!!..Dad a Dr. and PROF!...Brilliant parents,,,firm but ultra fair..more blessed the upbringing I parents in the world!!!:-)


    Your grandpa died pretty close to the time of my maternal Grandma, who I loved a lot. She was never able to go out and get stuff for us, but she was a sweetheart with a great sense of humor, hard-working even in her 80's, and a little stubborn (which I saw in all of HER daughters I was blessed to know).
    One night my parents went out and my sister and Grandma went outside and scratched at the windows of the living room, where I was reading. Scared me into the hall closet; they both thought they were real funny.

    LOL..not the money that matters...far more important the great times!..i remember one Easter we went to Grandp.and we couldn`t have choc cake til we`d eaten our "boiled eggs"..WE all groaned!!!..AND no doubt complained...but boiled eggs turned out to be really life like eggs you had to crack...choc eggs inside!!:-) :-)...none so precious as those times!!! XXX

    Good memories are the mind's fortune. We are both pretty wealthy, I'd say! :D
    MILLIE333 agree!XX

    @Bob..My Maternal Grandma died 2 yrs after my Grandpa...I was young at the time...but when she died I had to know how she was coping post my Grandpa....I did wrong I know...but I checked out the page in her diary..the day my Grandpa died..and she had written"I am lost"!!..Says it all...My parents moved us all to a bigger house because they wanted her to have a Granny flat...but of course she didnt want to leave her home of 50 plus years..and didn`t last long.I know reading her diary page was awful..but it helped me realize that she felt her life was over when my Grandpa died.

    Wrong, maybe, but it helped you give her the extra love and attention she needed after Grandpa died. My mom didn't ever want to leave the house my dad built for her when they married. She lived there for 12 years after he died. We had round the clock care for her in the last years; my sons were probably her most caring and gave her the most enjoyment.
    terryfossil 1

    your a lucky girl Millie

    @Terry..I know..I really know!;-)XX

    Anything parents do when a girl is pre teen or early teen, embarrasses them.Boys are somewhat that way too. my nephew used to be shy and embarrass easily when he was 13 ish .

    Not that I recall, however I'm sure there was something.

    my father came and got me and my sister from a community she we were about 15 years old. we were dancing and somebody ran over and said your dad is here to get you. he had a big boxy truck and my sister was embarrassed and ducked down as he drove off.  it kind of tickled me, but my dad was strict. she we got home my sister climbed out the window and went back to the center. my dad had two fits.  my mother embarrassed us when we had kids over and it was dinner time.  she would tell the kids, it's dinner time so you guys have to go home now. my mom had 8 kids, so i guess she felt that was enough to feed.  

    country bumpkin

    Haha, I used to be so embarrassed to ride to school in my grandfather's old truck too.
    I remember those times when I had friends over to play and they were asked to leave at dinner time. I never could understand why they could't stay and eat dinner with us.
    I understand now! (*~*)

    Once we (my brother and I) were eating out with my mom and as I was being quite stupidly drinking from a glass I consequently spilled the whole thing onto the table. This irritated my mom so much that she pushed glass , ice and water into my lap. I think the waiter felt sorry for me.....

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