    Is fishing licence requried for seniors in California?

    +3  Views: 903 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Reduced fee fishing licenses are available for disabled and senior fishers in California. According to 2010 regulations and rates, residents of California older than 65 and with a monthly income lower than $850 for individuals or $1,489 for couples could receive a license for $6.25. Honorably discharged veterans could receive a $6.25 license as long as their service-connected disability is shown to be 50 percent or higher. Veteran licenses can be obtained by non-residents as well.

    Free fishing licenses are granted to individuals who have 20/200 or lower vision, cannot move without the aid of a mobility device such as a wheelchair, or developmentally disabled people. This type of license can also be granted to non-residents or residents

    Read more: Types of California Fishing Licenses |
    I wouldn't doubt it. It seems unless your an illegal immigrant the state wants $$ out of U.
    Sorry but I know nothing about fishing for seniors but tell me, what are you going to do if you catch one?

    we can e-mail it to you no smell nor mess

    Bloody hell I was only asking, I am a senior and wondered what would happen if I got caught.
    Be OK if I was caught by a desperate gorgeous 18yr old nymphomaniac but please don`t e-mail it to me daren1 ooh poo. got old mans smell.
    I do not think fishing license should not,be required for any senior reguardless of what state or city. They have paid their dues, let them enjoy life to the fullest.

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