14 Answers
I believe she died accidently. Because Casey told so many lies and exhibited such strange behavior, that no one will believe her now, even if she told the truth.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
See Ann, that is exactly what I think. Accidently and everything got out of control after it. Thanks Ann
Ann, you are perfectly correct with that thought. She has some huge psychological issues . That is exactly her whole problem. Going to parties, dating boys and going out just about every night for the whole month the baby was missing, says everything. She is sick i the head, no doubt ! Thanks Ann
the mom killed her..she was getting in the way of partying, why waiste the money on a babby sitter when i can buy drugs(not my opinion just a theory about her)
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I am with you. I want to believe that she kill the baby by accident and then she didn't know what to do with the body and everything when crazy after that. Thank you Daren 1
I'm pretty sure Casey killed her daughter. She didn't seem to care for her and just acted like she did. But I think she will get off for being crazy or some technical reason.
She will be found guilty, and she will be put to death.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I know she will be found guilty, but death penalty I dought it 'cause the defense its already placing holes in the whole thing. May be life w/o parole? Thanks for your comnents Ed shank
I think she killed her or knows who killed her but what I think doesn't matter. I think OJ killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman and he's walking around free.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Hi Colleen, I am with you 100% about OJ. On Antony's, I think she did it, but then again it is just me. Thanks Colleen
I think if she was innocent why hide her until the poor thing is just bone's ugh! this not the action's of an innocent person I baby sat my niece's or nephew when they were small I watched and if they left my sight I would freak out and then call the police and my sister and the rest of the family we look for them not go out and party get drunk etc not our way I think the mother might be loopy
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
It a shame she's just a baby pretty little thing rest in peace CAYLEE ANTHONY and THANK YOU for the thumb ups
We have been discussing this in my Criminology course,I really believe she killed her or someone else killed her daughter in her presence and she went along with trying to cover the murder up,she is selfish and was seen partying away after her daughters disappearance...she sure is something else,that poor innocent child was a victim in all of this,she didn't deserve any of it,she should not have died like that,put away in a garbage bag like trash,she was and is a little angel,god bless her soul.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
IluvJesus, I couldn't say it better. I do believe she kill that baby all by herself. She just want to party and have fun. Casey is LITERALLY sick in the head. How can you kill your own daughter and throw her on the side of the road like a dead animal?
A ACCIDENT??? Then, WHY "Ducktape, Chloroform in the 1st place, discarding of child like trash, the lying/withholding of evidence/testimony by family, especially Cindy, the searches on internet and then not telling law enforcement where her body is even after arrest so, Caylee could be recovered and spared what that childs body went through!! GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES< I HOPE!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Dad, I really hope she will be found guilty because SHE IS. What you are saying is true. Accident my ass. Seeing her behavior after the kid when on missing says it all. Thanks for your comment
I think she might have Helped someone kill her or accidentally killed like, example.) drugged her and she didn't wake up. But she just mp telling so many lies that I don't know what to believe. Either u kill someone or u dont it's pretty simple! But I think everyone has a pretty good idea in there head about what REALLY happened, but I sill feel like this is going to be one of those murder cases that are never "solved"
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
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