    why do people bully

    my brother bother me and i get so mad and he keep on doing it but i just brake down and cry and then he will do it again _ _!

    +1  Views: 450 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Some consider bullying to be purposeful attempts to control another person through verbal abuse - which can be in tone of voice or in content such as teasing or threats - exclusion, or physical bullying or violence, which the victim does not want. While some ties the feature of "peer abuse" and "repeated activity" into the definition of bullying, others acknowledge single instances and age difference in their definitions of bullying. Bullying occurs in schools, workplaces, in homes, on playgrounds, in the military, and in nursing homes.

    Children who experience social rejection themselves are more likely to "pass it on" to others. Children who experience academic failure are also more likely to bully others.

    So, why do people bully? There are many reasons. But, one thing is clear regardless of why people bully, any type of bullying needs to come to an end.

    Because he knows he can drive you crazy. You need to stand up to him - and tell you parents what he is doing.
    No, not everybody are bully. Causes of this bad behavior for example: Inferiority complex, low level self-controll, alcohol, drug, stress.
    You need to nark or tell on him every single time he picks on you, I was the youngest kid out of four and I rarely ever told on my siblings...

    If I could go back in time I would tell on them every time they picked on me, in the long run it did make me a much tougher kid. They will stop because they will get tired of getting in trouble with your parents.

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