    what is being done with the 450 + billion $ that the govt. says has been repaid from the tarp & other loans?

    I think this money should immediately be used to pay down the debt. & not be respent or used as someones personal slush fund.

    +1  Views: 309 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    they'll use it to build more monertary printing presses, that way they'll never run out of money.. congress dosent seem to know the meaning of a deficeit ceiling.. if congress only has a 15% approval rating at best .. isn't up the people to have a tax revolt
    It went back into the Treasury to be spent as Congress decides to spend it.
    change to englis

    Congress doesn't have a clue about how to spend money correctly. They waste all of our money and then ask to print more. What a bunch of fools who know how to spend other peoples money have been elected. Hopefully the error is changed in 2012
    If any monies have been repaid it's because the companies in question have received another loan from the government and the companies have used that money to, in turn, "repay" the govt.

    Congress seems to use any money that comes it's way as a personal shush fund. These guys and gals don't have a clue about how to manage monies, especally when it's not their money.

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