    how to loose weight?

    0  Views: 496 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Or you can try to eat less. But you'll always end up eating more anyway when you see yourself in the mirror and think it's no use... awwh, nope , that will lead to depression.... okay i got it! wait i didn't get it yet.....i'm still thinking... Ahhhh, the best way to lose weight is to talk to your body!! okay people will think your crazy but try it, whenever you want to grab that cheesy hamburger, slap your hands, slap them till they're red and pitiful, then your legs will drag you to your favourite cake shop, stomp them on the ground and shout at them "no, bad legs, bad legs, your suppose to help me!, bad legs" then the guy passing by would roll his eyes while muttering "stupid people still exist" , But don't worry about that guys comment and try not to swear at him.... and whenever your hands or legs don't listen to you, and your about to consume that prettiful hamburger, BITE your tongue, okay don't bite it, just shut your mouth and imagine yourself in your mind wearing that beautiful, new dress, before you know it, your throwing the cheeseburger to the dogs and happily souring the streets back home, awwhhh, but you'll surely regret paying for it tomorrow, wasting your money... just praise yourself for avoiding 408.05 calories :D
    Not crazy, crazy , just enough to distinguish you from a Crazy human and a possessed one... :D We don't want the pastor knocking on your parents door...
    Dance like crazy!
    Consume fewer calories than you burn up - always works!
    you need to do lots of exersise

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