    what evolutionary changes will take place to the human body in the future, larger lungs to cope with air polution? thinner fingers to aid keyboard skills? your thoughts please..

    +2  Views: 667 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    At the rate we are polluting the environment, adaptation won't be able to keep up with how fast were destroying the earth. Since the industrial revolution in the late 1800-early1900's we haven't adapted not to mention evolved. We've had plenty of time to evolved or adapt and haven't so I wouldn't put much weight in these scientific theories.

    eh? of coarse we have adapted, the environment is hugely improved since the industrial revolution, healthcare is hugely improved, social care is hugely improved, education is hugely improved, housing is hugely improved, infant mortality is hugely improved..... as for the human body evolving, well you wouldn't expect a great deal in a little over a century would yo really? i was talking on a time scale of hundreds of thousands of years.

    My main point there was that humans haven't evolved since recorded history...Education in the U.S. has not improved it has declined, health care compared to when the average person could afford it has also depreciated, only the technology has improved, I suppose it depends on how you look at it?
    At the rate things are going we may not be here long enough to evolve into anything. I think we should be more concerned with cleaning up the environment than adapting to to a bad one.

    CONGRATS FOR GIVING THE ONLY HALF SENSIBLE ANSWER SO FAR!! although a little cynical i think, the sun is due to die out 5 billion yrs, i think we have a while to go yet non?
    Ms Sinclair

    I didn't say the earth or the sun wouldn't be here, just that we may not be at the rate we're going.

    i understood your answer completely, i was just pointing out that the potential time-line to human existence on earth is 5 billion years, and that i think we as a species will last a few hundred thousand of these at least, time enough to make evolutionary advances taking into consideration the human body is becoming taller stronger and faster with each generation.
    MORE fingers to text bigger ears to hang cell phones in ! square eys and ready to receive 3D !
    We should have night vision, gills to breath under water, webbed fingers and toes, and use the other 90% of our brain that we don't use...
    Loss of Eyesight levels
    ENlargement of Sexual organs
    Ms Sinclair

    Wishful thinking.
    haha, i'm a bit old for homework dh, it just started because i was watching prof Brian Cox on the t.v talking about the time line of the earth and thought that if the human race has only existed in our current form for around 10 thousand years, what will we be like in say 100 thousand!?
    people seem to be a bit down on the human race though and don't think we will last that long due to us polluting the environment and consumer usage of fossil fuels,(although they seem to be blind to the fact that by sitting on their plastic pc's, made in huge polluting factories,both of which have to be powered somehow, and answering this question the are actually contributing to our demise!!), again i reiterate, it was just meant to be a little bit of fun, a bit of exercise for the imagination if you will.

    Sory JW but in the past we have got so many homework questions, not that we mind anyway
    Co0l then, what you said is kinda true, it is a fun topic as well to discuss.
    What i think is that in the future, 100 thousand years from now, we would probably not extinguish but rather we'd still be living, but in dire situations, alot of people think that with technology advancing and stuff, that humans would be living better, they are blind to the fact that technology can have killing side effects. instead of flying robot cars, i think in 100 thousand years, an average human would have to work triple the amount to provide for a family, with global warming affecting the whole earth, natural disasters would be increasing, leaving humans to changing their living environment which could affect their body and affect the senses, body structure and so on, the changes to the human body will all depend on the situations and living environment they will be put in. sorry if this didn't help you question , cheers :D
    people please understand this question was about the human body and its potential to evolve, it was not meant as a platform for the green lobby lol.
    try and think of technological advances we are making and where they may lead in the future, and how the human body could evolve to meet these challenges.

    Hehe, sounds to me someone needs help in his homework ;) are you writing a paper on this? :) i might be able to help if you admit
    i think we will alll grow tails just long enough to hang ourselves
    Load of crap, just like global warming. Go to this site:
    Double H read the question. No one asked for a list of your medical problems? I think you should add short sightedness to your list after your sexual organ comment. heee haw

    LMAO Pl :)
    I was pointing out what i see and read about everyday related stuff....
    From the list i provided, I only have short sightedness, ever since i was 10 probably. everything else, pretty normal :)

    Tell the truth you are falling to pieces like a lot of us double h.

    Hahahahaha, I'm sorry Pl but you crack me up. Seriously. I'm only 22 now :) hahehaha. falling to pieces, sorry to hear that, wish you a long and healthy wise life :)
    HUge FAt StoMaches, Huge UglY Bums ..... wait this is already happening
    Ms Sinclair

    Especially in the U.S.
    Ms Sinclair

    I think some people have already "evolved" in that regard.

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