    How to rectify F2-40 error code for sharp digital copier machine

    0  Views: 39899 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    black toner supply trouble, try a different toner cart, remember to shake the cart before installing. power the machine on and off, if the code is gone then it was the cart if it doesn't clear your service tech needs to see the machine.

    Found this also in my search for an answer for you: To Prevent F2-40 Error Code at Set Up: Do not Install Toner Cartridge before performing Simulation 25-02. Do Not Transport the MFP with the Toner Cartridge installed in the MFP. Be sure not to over tone the DV Unit when you install the Toner Cartridge. When installing the Toner Cartridge after performing Simulation 25-02, be sure to insert it gently. Instruct the end user to gently insert any cartridges they install. Note: Inserting the Toner Cartridge forcefully can cause excess toner to fall into the DV Unit, lowering the TCD_K value. If TCD_K value falls below 26, F2-40 will occur. If you already have F2-40 Error Code recover by performing the following steps: 1. Execute Simulation 25-01 and verify that the TCD_K value is less than 26. 2. Execute Simulation 7-1 and highlight [DV Check Disable]. 3. Open the Doc Feeder. 4. Place a piece of white paper in the lead edge area of the platen glass covering about 1-2 inches of the lead edge area of the copy. This will prevent jamming in the Fuser Unit. 5. Run 50 sky shots. 6. Check Simulation 25-01 and note the TCD_K value when it stabilizes. 7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 until the stabilized TCD_K value of Simulation 25-01 is 40 or higher. 8. Execute Simulation 7-1 and verify that [DV Check Disable] is not highlighted. 9. Hit CA and make sure machine comes to a ready state. 10. Turn Machine off/on. Make sure it comes to a ready state. 11. Make a copy and check the copy quality. 12. Run Copy Quality adjustment 12a according to the service manual if necessary. Note: TCD_K value of 26 or less will cause the MFP to display F2-40 error code. Remember that the TCD_K Value is inversely proportional to the Toner Concentration. If the TCD_K Value is stabilized at 40 or higher, then the F2-40 error code will not appear. Once you recover from the F2-40 Error Code, the MFP’s Process Control will take over and regulate the Toner Concentration.


    please help me on how to do and run the sky shots,thanks

    please anyone can teach me how to run this sky shots,,thanks

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