    please let me know how our troops in Okinowa, Japan are doing after the typhoon that hit there twelve hours ago. thank you.

    +1  Views: 324 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Super Typhoon Songda ripped across the western Pacific on Thursday, dropping heavy rain on the Philippines and threatening Okinawa and the Japanese main islands with rain and damaging winds into the weekend.

    Songda was a Category 5 storm late Thursday, with maximum sustained winds of 161 mph and gusts of 195 mph, according to the Joint Typhoon Warning Center in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The storm was producing wave heights of 38 feet in the Pacific, forecasters said.

    The forecast track for Songda put it over Okinawa on Saturday night as a Category 2 storm, with maximum sustained winds of 109 mph and gusts up 132 mph.

    Okinawa is home to several U.S. military installations, including Kadena Air Base, home to nearly 18,000 Americans, and Camp Courtney, home of the III Marine Expeditionary Force and its 16,000 Marines, according to U.S. Forces Japan.

    The Japan Meteorological Agency said Songda would lose strength but still be a strong storm as it approaches the country's main islands Sunday.

    A dip in the jet stream was forecast to weaken Songda and push it toward the northeast and away from Taiwan and China, CNN meteorologist Brandon Miller said.

    Meanwhile, officials in the Philippines breathed a sigh of relief after being spared a direct hit from Songda, named Chedeng in the Philippines.

    “Prayers do work!” was the first sentence of a press release from the Philippine Information Agency.
    Everyone is ok... A hand full of minor injuries.. But we are good....
    Holy Cow.. Ihave been outside all day.. My brother is stationed there... I would like to know if there were any casualties... Cant get ahold of my brother. Thanks.

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