    I found information on my husbands yahoo archives that showed hotel reservations of a past date and when I confronted him he denied it and then all the info was secured, so how can i prove that what i saw was right

    This was done on his yahoo. I also found a room key in his draw and it had no hotel logo, it was blue and had the word welcome on it. He said he had no idea what it was. I called the Holiday Inn and spoke to someone that did give me a name of a woman that was there that same night and I know they were together. So how do I get proof that he was there. I have been trying to get back the info on the computer but he has everything secured. He is a cop and on that date he said he was working a detail till 7 in the morning. So, is anyone out there a computer wiz or know of anyone that could get that info. I need to prove he cheated for our divorce and to prove me right.

    0  Views: 782 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    I would hire a P.I. to follow or keep track of him...
    I would suggest that if you do not trust your husband and he is a cop then make a smart choice...think about matter what the truth is, if the system is on his side and he has a gun I would be very careful how I deal with this siutation as a woman. Think of a possible best solution... a solution that will provide you safty and help you go forward in life. Go to a very trustworthy friend and talk to him/her and then make your own safe life is too precious and beautiful. A question for you. Is it worth living with a man who you do not trust. what is the cost and reward of living with him or not livign with him? If the cost excceds the reward, then you know what to do, right!!!

    I am not with him anymore as of less than a week ago and I just had a fourth hip surgery. The one before this the man said he was not happy and left me the day after I got out of the hospital to care for the home, children and myself while trying to heal from surgery. I believe that this man is a constant liar and does not take responsibility for his actions. And thank you for your answer because you are right and I deserve better.

    I am not with him anymore as of less than a week ago and I just had a fourth hip surgery. The one before this the man said he was not happy and left me the day after I got out of the hospital to care for the home, children and myself while trying to heal from surgery. I believe that this man is a constant liar and does not take responsibility for his actions. And thank you for your answer because you are right and I deserve better.
    You know it's illegal to hack a person's computer, right?

    I was not hacking, we have each others passwords and share accounts.

    My point is you want someone now to try and access his computer to gather evidence. Do you still have his password?
    You are very welcome! I would say it is not worth putting your enegy to investigate his actions further(might be illegal to hack his computer or use his passoword) , since his actions and attitude suggests he is not caring and loyal towards you. I suggest you spend time taking care of yourself and also with those who show care towards you. I hope you find a loving and caring friend in time, meanwhile heal yourself by inteacting with the natural beauty around you that menifests the eternal love...trees, flowers, sun, moon stars, ocean,rain, and good friends Good.

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