    what is wrong when u cant get any sound on my speakers on my computer

    0  Views: 2165 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: computer

    4 Answers

    You more than likely need the audio driver for your computer. Open up the device manager and check if you have a yellow question mark beside the audio, video and game controllers. Just in case you do not know how to open the device manager. Open up the control panel and click on system. Click on the hardware tab and open up the device manager.

    If it does have a yellow mark beside the audio you need the audio driver. Download the audio driver from the manufacturer of your computer. Type the brand of your computer and the model number in google to find the audio driver. Good luck!

    it is on mute!!!
    If everything is ok with your hookups, you can try to download Realteck audio. It's free and you will have sound. Sometimes the windows operating sytem loosing the sound. Or the Sound card is going out. If you have a sound card that is removeable, you can take it out and put it back in. Could be some dust or something that obstrucks it from performing good. The microphone jack is (pink) and located with headphone jack and web cam jack on the back of your computer, or if you have them in front, just plug you mic in there. Unless you have a laptop, your pc won't have a built in mic. Most Laptops to.
    cant find where my microphone is on computer

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