    Does anyone still use regular mail service anymore ?

    Canada Post,our national postal service is threatening to go on strike. Do they not realize that their service, indispensable in days gone by, is no longer considered an essential service?
    Letters and bills are easily processed online. Why lick a stamp?
    Yet, try suggesting to close even a single neighborhood Post Office and you have a riot to fend off.

    +8  Views: 1099 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    USPS is still very active, parcels are doing well as they are competitive with private parcel carriers. Many people still use 'snailmail' for bill pay and other uses such as communications with friends. A heartfelt letter is so much better received than an email or text message. I think snailmail will be around for some time. Nothing I hate worse than receiving a email birthday card from some person that I thought was a friend. The act of knowing a friend went to the card shop, picked out the best card to suit you, taking the time to write a nice note on it, pay the cash for the card and the stamp, then going out of their way to drop it in a mailbox.. This is a friend, not someone that clicks on a generic digital card and gives them your email address..

    I agree that stamp-licked greeting cards are appropriate. As long as they get mailed on time. As for bills, I've been doing online banking for years now and believe me , there is no emotional benefit derived from getting the bill in the mailbox instead of the inbox;-)

    Of Course!! :) I pay all my bills online too! Why pay for the postage to pay bills.. This goes unsaid! Can't very well send a package from you home to mine with internet though.. LOL I still get my favorite magazines by snail, and all those cool flyers with the coupons!! And the occasional ignored parking ticket violation summons. LOL

    I pay my bills, write letters, and send cards by mail, too. I just mailed almost 90 invitations for a baby shower.

    I hope your love letters were as "proper" as your greats'. Not long ago, my wife showed me her stash of love letters that she kept from my serenading days to her.

    "I" wrote that stuff? Oye !

    I mostly wrote poetry.. some sentual but not trashy.... My husband wrote back.. simple I love you's

    Very proper, I have relatives in the UK, Canada and the US. Most of them are elderly and do not use skype.

    Digger wrote love letters????????????????
    Oh please......just share one line.....please?

    One line? I can't remember one word.

    Must have been from deep down in your heart. You have one of those, right? lol

    ....still mail income tax, quarterly.


    Sealed with a kiss, no doubt.
    Benthere !
    Where would I get my junk mail if not for snail mail?
    I have several account the I have to mail in. My mother addresses her Thinking of you, B-day cards and the like to: Master S. Last name and Miss D.Last name... my kids think it is awesome. Just knowing that your loved ones held that card or letter in thier hands with you on thier mind is beautiful. I have love letter from my great grand mother.. I hope my children will keep mine and my husbands.
    Yes, we still use snail mail. Contrary to the opinion of most people, not every home is equipped with computers and e-mail.
    We sent birthday cards and other type things by snail mail. A Thank You note for a gift is still acknowledged by a hand written acknowledgement. We recieved our taxes, auto license plate renewal information and jury duty notification by mail. Do I think we could go to a 4 or 5 day week in the U.S? Yes. However, many businesses send their bills and receive their payments by mail. These are usually service providers that may bill someone only once a year or a life time.
    I would not take anything from the handwritten letters from our small grandchildren. There are somethings I would not want to receive on line. One is a love letter or an invitation to a wedding or baby shower.
    Life still needs some simple pleasures.

    What an eloquent response. I agree with you that a hand written letter or note is still the only way to go when it comes to event invitations. In some ways, a computer generated letter is akin to a calculator. Remember when pocket calculators exploded on the market? It seems that teachers stopped teaching long divisions and multiplications. I regularly chuckle at the checkout counter when the young cashier panics after I hand over, say, two dollars and eight cents for a dollar 38 cents transaction.
    Thumbs up Mickey,
    I enjoy snail mail. Its great to get letter some times, instead of bills. I dont do any banking on line.

    Is your banking method more of a trust issue?

    Yes it is a trust issue, digger.
    Yes, overseas mail and cards.

    Even by air mail, it must take a week at least,right?

    Who cares, they'll still receive them. But, I don't pay my bills by mail. Down here we can pay them at the post office.

    My Air mail takes almost month, fr South America.return same.

    That's slow. To Britain, it takes about five days.

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