    Do you ever wish you could know FOR SURE who is telling the truth and who isn't and what the real story is?

    I've just watched some of the clips on the net about the Casey Anthony case and I find myself frustrated! I want to believe that the defense is telling the truth...that she did find her drowned and for some strange reason didn't say anything! Yet, the accusers make their side sound fairly truthful!

    +1  Views: 500 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Give it a few years and they will make the lie detector legal, it I think would be more accurate than a lawyer.

    Do those lie detectors always detect accurately? I bet I could make it charge me guilty of things I never dreamt of doing!! I get so nervous at times!

    If it is accurate why on earth is it not in use?!
    Headless Man

    It never was as accurate as it is now, they can take into account you're personally and nervousness so it would be probably 98-99% accurate.
    I would trust it more than an I witness.

    That's true! It seems that people can swear in and still lie like crazy! I have a hard time telling a friend that her skirt makes her look skinny when it doesn't! Learned my lesson about lying when I was just a little girl! I hate it!
    I'm sure the courts wish the same thing all the time. Then they wouldn't have to have such lengthy trials.

    Oh I just can't imagine how frustrating it must be! I could NEVER be a judge!!! Can you just imagine, Colleen, if I were a judge?! Yikes!! LOL

    If you were a judge with your bleeding heart and compassion for kids.......hmmmm.....just imagine, lol

    I can't imagine! I'm just glad I'm not there! I'm glad I'm not on the stand either...I look like a guilty criminal just going across the border!! LOL "Oh no! Are they going to find my dirty laundry? that apple I packed for a snack okay?!!!"

    Hahahaha, you're a hoot! Remind me not to cross any borders with you, lol

    The crazy thing is...I am in three weeks!! I think I may have to take a gravol and make myself sleep through it!! I'm not the driver by the way!!

    Well I would hope you're not the driver! LOL What border are you planning to cross?

    Um...I'm not the driver,so not sure! :P but we are going from Regina down to Plentywood, Montana. been there before, but poor memory!

    Oh, dear...gotta go for supper...later! Thanks for the fun chat!! Glad I've got you around to level me out a bit! LOL

    Colleen, don't want to make trouble, but lover101 is the same as sad one and christopher. same avitar, same name (Cassidy) and same birthday. You've likely noticed that already, but thought you might be interested.

    No I didn't and thank you for bringing this to me. This is how the members help moderate ;)

    Your welcome. I'm staying out of it this time! My heart gets too involved! By the does she keep using the same avitar if she's been suspended twice?

    She just uploads it again under her new name. I guess she's not getting the clue that she keeps getting suspended.

    Poor thing needs to find something to occupy her time, not ours!

    She does sound troubled but her parents are involved so I leave her to them.


    I should say both her parents and her school. She'll be OK. :)

    Thanks, Colleen! My this is getting long!! lol Well, night night! Hope your yoga routine doesn't keep you up too long!!! ;)

    Hahaha, I don't even let yoga cross my mind. Goodnight monkey :)

    Guess what? Tomorrow is the day I cross the border!!! Yikes!

    Good luck!! LOL I guess we won't be seeing you for a few days then?

    If I can get wireless I'll be around! Not sure yet, but hope so!

    Well if you can't, I'll miss you until you get back :)

    Aw, thanks! I'll miss you too!
    they say there is three side to every story , yourside,myside and the truth

    It is so true, as I see it from where I'm standing and with my feelings and you see it from where you are standing and your feelings and then what really happened no feelings attached!
    In this case the liar will become quite evident. She will be found guilty eventually. Everyone has some knowledge in regards to this case. Just think of how much more evidence was not made public. She will not take the stand, I predict. Frankly I'm surprised nobody in jail whacked her yet.

    So, you think that Casey is guilty? If she is, I cannot imagine taking a child's life, let alone your own!! And, if she's not, I cannot imagine going on living as if nothing were wrong!
    ed shank

    Guilty, yes. You can't imagine taking your child's life, because you are normal. She did go on as if nothing were wrong. She sucks, and will die by the state.

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