    Any good novels for senior citizens?

    0  Views: 512 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    I am also looking for good books for seniors. Of course they can read anything but as Monkey11 commented somethings would interest them more. I am trying to find books for my Dad to "read" but so far except for the James Herriot series I am batting zero. I would love some actual suggestions.

    WOW! I don't think this is offensive at all. I am trying to find books for my 87 year old mother to read as she tells me she has a hard time following some story lies if there are too many people or a lot of jumping around - past, present etc. I would love some suggestions and I am certainly NOT trying to offend my mother - I am trying to help her. I find it offensive that you think people would be that way!!!

    THE THORNBIRDS is a great novel and easy to read and it's a shame it had to end...............

    The question is offensive. If it were "Any good novels ABOUT senior citizens ", that would be okay. Senior citizens can read anything anyone else can read.

    I don't see why it is offensive. They are likely more interested in a story like "The little coat" that is set in the war years than a story like "Confessions of a shoppaholic" that is about a spoiled woman! Probably just looking for something suiting to their age!
    Catherine Courtney

    Perhaps they could try the classics, you make it sound like seniors are stupid.

    Why so offended? For some reason, you are overreacting.

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