    how to handle infidelity in your marriage

    Theres no doubt that my husband loves me but he has an issue with forming 'friendships' with other women, especially when we have problems or he's stressed over long periods. Is there a form of help for this kind of addiction. It's not about the sex and there's not always sex involved.

    +2  Views: 806 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    I understand your sister's husband is the same way, and your best friend's, also.  What should THEY do?


    Go to bed with a nice cup of milk,and a good book,,

    That will just have them up at 3 to visit the loo!
    A married man shouldn't be forming relationships with women outside of the home, if both of you aren't mutually friends with.
    Not always sex involved? Is it involved sometimes??? If the answer is yes, why would you waste your time being with someone who doesn't respect you?

    That is legal grounds for divorce, if you really trust him go to marriage counseling, but how could you trust someone who has cheated on you?

    I think you should go to counseling by yourself first if you think you should accept your husbands infidelity. What are you doing to yourself? Where is your self respect? Please go seek help for yourself.
    IF you two are both in love with one another and he needs to be with other weman to feel alive then he needs couseling. I dont think that makes him a bad husband or a bad man it makes him weak... First he needs to see there is a problem that he is never going to fix having relations with other weman... It sounds as if you have already forgiven him for "stepping out"... so talk to him about treatment... Best of luck.. and remember your happiness ia just as important as his.
    Sounds like your husband has a very low self esteem and is looking for it from the attention of other women.If he really loves you he would be seeking help with a councellor and working on this lack he is looking for outside of himself. I feel for you girlfriend, I would not be able nor want to put up with that.
    Infidelity, "I" couldn't handle it, the betrayal would devastate me. My first action would be to leave. A great deal of soul searching would determine if I could forgive. My wife has an ex-coworker whom she"s known for many many years and they do go out to dinner on occasion. Her friend Kevin always calls me and asks if he can take her out. He's a great guy and I have no issue with that at all. I also have a friend who is female and loves Drag racing, I see her almost every weekend.
    Talking to 'other women' and having friendships with 'other women' does not constitute infidelity no more than having male friendships. Of course, if he is going outside this frienship, coming home late, making excuses, showing lack of interest in you and bank account shows money going out in various ways that you don't understand, then you might suspect infidelity. so many people seem to think that friendships can only be with same sex.. This is ludicrous. I have several female friends, I talk to them all the time. sometimes we even have lunch together.. I am faithful to my wife, she trusts me and the subject really never comes up. I don't even think of 'stepping out'. I have several male friends as well, we too have lunch, I don't drink but I will go to a bar and drink a beer, (takes me an hour to drink it though) My wife knows my female friends, they even come to my home on occasion. Don't jump to conclusions on this-- 'If' he really loves you then he won't hurt you. The word 'IF' is the operative word here... You need to evaluate the love first--
    This is simple, I have two questions that I would like to ask you..just you. 1. can you live with his infidelity, 2. Are you willing to change. If both the answeres are no - call the moving van, pop in tina turner and drive off listening to her song "whats love go to do with it," and keep it moving ma. Life is to short and regardless of what people say and think it comes down to love and happiness - at the end of the day you need to be able to look in the mirror with your head held high and just do what makes you happy at the end of the day and never look back. so basically you can control what you do but you cant control what others do so if your man can't be the man you need him to be then tell him to take a walk - because while your sitting there looking at him the right one is passing you by. And, FYI he's not addicted to sex look at the animal kingdom look at how the body works, he is doing what nature tells him. our job is to procreate to ensure the survival of our race. So part of being humane is becoming more ethical and moral - a man of honor and integrity with morals is a man your man does what dogs do so if he hasnt given you an std yet I would be thankful and suggest you get out while your free of stds, hurt, and disgrace. I am sorry for you, because no women should be put through this. Good Luck!!!!
    Give him the bottom of the heavist boot you can find.
    yours or hers or both of you?????
    Shold not be delayed.Him have to choose. You or those ladies. Do not delay.

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