    how to get rid of bed bugs

    0  Views: 548 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs - go to
    Getting rid of bed bug is an ongoing process. The first thing to do is keep everything in the room, in the room. Get large garbage bags, and gather up all the pillows and bed coverings, clothes in the closets and the drawers. Put them in the bags, seal the top, and launder them with soap and hot water. If hot water or hot dryer heat can't be used, air them out in the sun for several hours. UV-C rays from the sun will kill off bed bugs.

    Next, vacuum out the mattress TWICE, both sides. Vacuum the floors, corners, baseboards. Take off outlet covers and vacuum them out also. In other words, vacuum everything in the room.

    Finally get some NON PESTICIDE spray, and spray everything in the room, all nooks and crannys. Spray the air until the whole room has a mist in it.

    Since bed bugs can travel, go into all other rooms, vacuum the floors and remove any upholstered cushions and set them out in the sun. Vacuum the cushions and the furniture, in every spot you can get to. Spray everything in these rooms also.

    Do this throughout the whole house and THROW THE VACUUM BAG AWAY in the outside garbage.

    Here is a site that sells non-pesticide bed bug spray. If you can get a "bomb", to do the whole house, that would be best.

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