    This is a what would you do? A girl and guy in a restaurant you are at the guy starts getting very loud and threatening to the girl she is dressed in very very seductive clothing but also has bruises and he is very very loud, obnoxious and horrible to her what would you do?

    0  Views: 452 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    I actually punched a guy in the face once for publicly mistreating and humiliating his girl. Then I verbally tore him up one side and down the other. The girl thanked me by slapping me and telling me to leave her boyfriend alone. Now I think I would just let the guy yell and abuse a woman so stupid that she would stay with him.
    no good deed goes un punished
    hate to say it .. but probally nothing.. maybe shes a "street walker" and didn't bring home the rent.. but iwould however say a prayer for the both of them, thats the best i've got

    That is okay I understand.
    Call the police.
    Yeah maybe so but I ain't skert no more in life so I will take that chance love ya daren.
    I understand that too. But glad to hear from you again Colleen have missed you. Me I would have stepped in too sorry for her reaction but I think I am not going to let that keep me from still trying to intervene if and when I think I can and should. Thank you, glad to see you on here .....

    If I ever saw a woman being physically abused, I would step in. But if she wants to just sit there and let someone verbally abuse her, then that's her choice to not get up and walk away.

    Thanks for the welcome back :)

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