    why do people ask dumb questions. Questions that don't make sense

    +2  Views: 710 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago

    19 Answers

    To get attention, like you just did.
    Can you sit in the middle of the floor and hang your feet over the edge??
    You have better dumb questions than me Vinny :(
    Why do some birds fly and others don't?
    You just did.
    Our education system at work.
    What's the difference between a duck??

    One of his feet are both the same..
    why do we have hair?
    oh no. who did that!! what can we do about them?
    omg, what is next question .lol
    Why is there air??
    What do you mean by that? ;-)
    Could you please repeat the question as I didn't have my glasses on when you asked it
    I question why no one has upvoted JJJJJ for this question yet.
    country bumpkin

    I just gave him a thumbs up, still learning!

    Yay! LOL
    This is the great dumb question party!
    JJJJJJ -- have we answered YOUR question yet?
    why is it that every single time i "thank author" it shows as "report abuse" jenn ... if you get a notice that i voted you down please know that's what happened.
    MY QUESTION: what happens when you thank

    nothing happened.
    What question? Did someone make a question? Question about what?
    Wow!!!!! I just had a great giggle fest!!!! We should have asked a question for dumb questions! Oh, wait that's been done right here!!

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