    What does your elec. bill run?

    $220. this mo.

    +2  Views: 2151 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: life

    13 Answers

    My electric is always $450-$500/month, but I run a lot of machinery in my shop as well as weld. The house is usually $85/ month electric only. We heat with propane.
    Dang.. I am obviously getting screwed!!!!
    i wish mine would run and not come back..$140 a month
    Last month was $85.00, this month $110.00.

    Wow!!! I am impressed. We are heating and cooling 2000 sq foot and have a small pool . What is your secret?

    It's called living in New England. No pool, use wood to heat, use only cold water to wash clothes and dry on shortest setting possible. We use a/c only during June, July and August mostly (sometimes into Sept. but rarely). I have a gas range, not electric and no dishwasher. Hardly ever cook inside during summer, we use the grill instead. I replaced all the light bulbs with those funny looking screw shaped ones (energy savers) about 5 years ago and haven't looked back. We use candles at night, not lights. We have no kids living at home (that's a biggie)!

    We have two seasons here, 4th of July and winter! Plus, I am cheap, cheap, cheap!
    I have solar panels on my roof and during the summer, I pay nothing. As of now I have a credit of $3 starting the summer months. I've had panels for nearly 9 years.


    Mine is less than $60.  One of my friends has a bill over over $500 every month. 

    Well I am truly sorry for them to think it is funny in today's economy and people having hard times everywhere is not funny. Sorry.
    I am on monthly budget and its 165.00 a month and in Aug. you pay off any extra overage in full
    Mine has been about the same as yours Jenn
    In the 100 yard dash... its a slow 15 secs ...lolol
    last month it was $85
    i changed my supplier a 6 months ago , the rate was about 10 % less per kilowatt/hour and they just sent me a $ 50 check for joining them.

    You kinda suck for saying this... LOL.... We cant change we are rural.. You get what you get.
    $97:00 for three months. I just received it.

    I am green with envy... Well maybe the green is related to the migriane>>>

    I'm pretty stingy with the electricity. Some on this site called me a miser.
    About $95.00 in the winter, and around $40.00 in the summer. But, I am not home much, and I make it a point to shut off lights that are not needed.
    I would think that the factors on that to be considered is how big is the home, what you set the thermostat on, the insulation factors, do you leave things on like lights when not really needed? All that factors in. Also, you might want to consider if they offer it budgeted billing that has always helped me out. Plus I try to be very very conservative and all that.

    I do all of these things.. We are in GA and it has been almost 100 degrees for a month.. I think it is the a/c. I asked the elec co. if they had a "poor ppl" program.. they thought it was the funniest thing they had ever heard... Alas they do not.

    Those idiots in Georgia's power company know there are plans for those in need but they're greedy.

    I think it is sad that these companies are so greedy and people are in such need we are all going through hard times, myself included.

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