    do you think children can be born evil

    I remember my Mother saying pointing out that child is a bad egg!I knew what she meant but do you think it is the way the child has been brought up or is it a bad egg!

    +5  Views: 874 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    Hi, i work with kids, and i have 2 grandchidren of my own.I have a friend whom has a daughter that he, and his wife adopted. He said she screamed her entire childhood.He says they have done everthing they could to help her she is in her 20s now. Iknew her since she was 15, she is abusive to her animals such as screaming and hitting them, she says she hates people and she has treated her father like a dog, excuse me worse than a dog. Everyone can't stand to be around her for any long period of time. She just tells you and makes you feel very unwelcome around her, and cursses anything that causes a little problem,and blames everyone else for her problems, and she is a miserable person. She is miserable to be around. her dad caters to her because I think he really is scared of her. She gets her way,she is so minuplitive to her dad, she is a brat but she does have some ocd and anger problems. She is evil in many ways and devises evil imaginations against others. I have tried to help her, and I am a christian but i do not like being around her very much, even when she is being sorta nice, I know that on her tip side is a raging and evil person she can change on a dime. What is so mind blowing to me she dosn't care who she curses or whose feeling she hurts, and i have felt she has influence of demons, The dad want face her decietfulness, and evilness about a lot of things, he gives in to her almost to keep her at bay so he want have to deal with her abusive out breaks. I'm a Christian and I've dealt with her so I know kids do and can have demons from birth. The Bible says the sins of the father shall be upon them up to the 10th generation. So MAM WHO IS UPSET WITH CHRISTIAN ANSWERS, ITS REAL IVE SEEN IT WITH KIDS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN ABUSED, OR HAD A BAD UP BRINGING THERE IS NO RYME OF REASON THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN THIS WAY. AS A YOUNG CHILD,THE DEMONIAC HAD BEEN THIS WAY TILL HIS FATHER DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.LOOK AT THE HIM IN THE BIBLE IT STATES HE HAD CUT HIMSELF,THROWN HIMSELF INTO THE FIRE, HE WAS CONSTANTLY TRYING TO KILL HIMSELF AND HIS FATHERWAS A GOOD MAN. HE TOOK HIM TO JESUS AND THE BOY HAD THE DEMONS CAST OUT BY JESUS. AND HE HAD RAN THROUGH THE STREETS NAKED CUTIING HIMSELF JUST CRAZY WITH DEMONS INSIDE HIM FROM AN SMALL CHILD. HE HAD DEMONIC INFLUNCE TARRING AT HIM. BUT WHEN JESUS SPOKE TO THE DEMON LEGION IT SAID PLEASE DON'T MAKE US LEAVE WE BEEN WITH HIM FROM A CHILD AND JESUS SPOKE AND TOLD THE TO FLEA AND DON'T COME BACK. JESUS CAST OUT THE DEMONS, HE TOLD THEM TO GO IN THE SWINE, AND THE PIGS RAN AND JUMPED OFF A SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN AND KILLED THEIRSELVES. So yes a child is born crying telling lies by its cry, and watch them you don't have to teach a child how to lie, or do wronG. We spend most of our lives as parents spending time teaching them how to not to lie,or do bad things, or steal, lie, and hurt others. So yea they can Be influenced by demons if their family has opened the door for demonic activity. WHAT DOES IT TAKE FOR PaRENTS OR GRANDPARENTS TO OPEN UP THE DOOR FOR DEMONIC ACTIVITY IN THEIR HOME. GLAD YOU ASK!HERE'S TO OPEN THE DOOR FOR YOUR LITTLE ONWS TO HAVE DEMON INFLUENCE AND I PRAY YOU GET RID OF THEM BEFORE THAT HAPPENS. A FEW THINGS,1- PALM READING, 2-TARO CARDS ,ANY TYPE OF PHYSCIC READING, AND QUIGI BOARDS, HOROSCOPES, IDLE WORSHOPING, AND SOME MUSIC THAT HAS SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES PLAYED BACKWARDS, THEY ARE SINGING TO satan. THE BIBLE STATES WE FIGHT NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD MEANING PEOPLE. BUT WE FIGHT AGAINST POWERS AND PRINCIPALITIES IN HIGH PLACES. SO THAT MEANS WE HAVE DEMONIC INFLUENCES IN THE UNIVERSE THINGS WE CANNOT SEE ,OR EVEN DESCRIBE. SOME PEOPLE HAVE SEEN SOME OF THESE INFLUENCES AND SOME MAY PRACTICE THEM DAILY BY DOING DRUGS THATS A GATEWAY TO DEMONIC INFLUENCE OR POSSESION. HAVE A BESSED WONDERFUL DAY!

    well I am so pleased that I am not only one who has met a child you have described its awful to know that a child can grow up so diffrent to others I prey for them and hope some one will listen and help these poor cratures as i am sure given the chance they would not want to be like this thank you for your Answer Melanie
    I believe babies are born pure and innocent. Babies are too young to hate, lie, steal, and kill. We must teach them the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. I believe how we raise our children can have a lot to do with how our children turns out. Words towards our children are powerful, so use them wisely!!!

    Yes I do believe that babies are born pure and innocent to me they are like angels and we are blessed every time a baby is born very good comment mel

    Thanks! Babies are little darling angels :-)
    I seem to recall something about the X and Y chromosome. Many infamous people it has been determined lacked one of them. The presumption was yes they are born evil. But what does society do with a newborn with this defect? Kill it, or wait until it becomes a killer? I had a childhood friend who took delight in killing small animals. Shortly thereafter we parted ways. He eventually spent most of his life incarcerated. He died in prison after being "shanked". The world is a better place for it.

    I didnt say that ppl were not sick... But that is a different question all together to me...

    yes I do belive something about the X and chromosome until we get proof its hard to digest why I made a comment is that I know a small child aged 3/4 and he is often very cruiel to small animals his Mother was so worred that he was kicking the kitten and getting great pleasure from hurting this kitten we offered this kitten a home and now lives with us but kitten is now a cat is so afraid of children if they come into our house and this child has no respect for his Mother and call her the Bitch I am very torn between what do you for this child and the poor Mother who is in despare thank you for all your comments melanie
    I believe babies are born innocent and are influenced by their upbringing in 98+% of the time.
    But there are cases that no matter what you do evil comes back at you and all you can do is show them love and pray for them.
    I believe that what the parents do before the child is born can play a part also. Did the mother use any kind of drugs, whether legal or illegal, while she was pregnant? Did she and the father get along during her pregnancy or were they constantly bickering? A woman's emotional state can have an effect on a baby as well. You might also want to look at this child's diet. What we consume can effect our behavior too.
    kids that hurt animals really scare me. i don't think they necessarily have been abused. i don't know about the xy chromosome .... time to find out.

    yea I know what you mean let me know if you find anymore info on this subject thanks mel
    I think it's the way a child is brought up. Usually they follow their parent's behaviour.
    ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! I wont ever tell anyone in my class they are bad.. I may say they made a bad decision... I may say the are spirited... but children are not bad.. Eggs can be bad... milk can be bad.. but kids turn out to be exactly what is put into them.

    yea do agree on this
    No, Only a lack of love in childhood can turn someone bad.
    Children need lots of praise to balance chastisement.
    kids that hurt animals really scare me. i don't think they necessarily have been abused. i don't know about the xy chromosome .... time to find out.

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