    How do penguins obtain oxygen?

    +1  Views: 3114 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: animals

    2 Answers

    Through nasal passages like all land living creatures. They hold their breathe while under water. They can hold their breathe for 6 to 20 minutes depending on the species of penguin.

    Research conducted on wild penguins in Antarctica shows some surprising adaptions in the penguin's blood and muscle tissues for increasing oxygen during an underwater dive. These penguins were fitted with special sensors to monitor their air level. Unlike humans, the ultra-sensitive hemoglobin present in the penguins' red blood cells allows the penguins to effectively utilize every last molecule of oxygen in their system for diving. The blood is sent mainly to the heart, brain and other major organs. Penguin hemoglobin is so effective that penguins can continue diving when other animals would suffer from severe tissue damage. In addition, the penguin's muscle tissues also helps it breathe efficiently under water.

    A penguin's muscle tissues can also store additional oxygen by using large amounts of the blood protein myoglobin. Also, a special enzyme allows the penguin's muscles to work without the presence of oxygen while neutralizing lactic acid buildup. When the penguins reach the surface and return to normal breathing, they can then expel this buildup of lactic acid. To further save on oxygen consumption, penguins can lower their heart rate to five beats per a minute. By using less energy, these birds are able to prolong their time diving under water.

    Read more: How Do Penguins Breathe Underwater? |
    Penguins have nostrils like any other bird. Penguins gulp air before they dive and they can stay underwater for six minutes.

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