    there was this girl renting a room in my house and she knew that i 1 month notice is required b4 she moves out, but then she said she has to move out in 2 days..i told her that she can not have her deposit back as its there to cover the month notice time...she reproached me of being a bad the question is IS IT FAIR? and did I do something wrong?

    there was this girl renting a room in my house and she knew that 1 month notice is required b4 she moves out, but then she said she has to move out in 2 days..i told her that she can not have her deposit money back as its there to cover the month notice time...she reproached me of being a bad the question is IS IT FAIR? and did I do something wrong?

    +1  Views: 895 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    I agree with everyone else, you are just following the terms of your agreement, she is breaking it. If you can get someone you like to rent the room that you like sooner or she can recommend someone to take her place, maybe you could give her a partial refund?

    If it takes a long time to rent it out than you are the one taking the loss.
    Most states do require a 30 days notice with no lease & allow the landlord to keep the deposit when proper notice is not given.

    She failed to give proper notice that is required in most states.
    I agree, you are only doing good business.
    Depending on her circumstances, unless it was an emergency I think you're being quite fair. Most places you rent in Canada require you to fulfill your lease and if you can't you need to give at least one months notice and then have to find someone to sublet your apartment. What is her reason for needing to leave so urgently?

    well she said she has to fly back to her country cos her mum had a car crash and is in the hospital...
    no your not a bad christian shes the one that needs 2 become one your in the right

    The security deposit is yours.  Don't let her give you any guilty feeling.

    Well you are in the right really, but if her circumstances are as she says, maybe you could come to a compromise, that would make you a really good person christian or not.

    She just knew of away to hurt you and did it so I wonder whom the bad christen now.

    was a rental agreement signed. She is trying to manipulate you to go her way. She is lying. you are a good landord.

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