24 Answers
a part of God is in all of us, so...yes, in a way He does.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
i have always thought that, wonderer.
Speak only for yourself zhanna. It's not up to you to judge who is evil. If I were allowed to judge, I'd be pointing out millions of people who follow what I see as a negative book. ;) I believe everyone has God in them because it is through God that they exist. I agree and believe that God speaks through people. I just do not agree that God makes demands so those words to me are false words when spoken by people.
Divine intervention can and does happen in our answers when someone is truly reaching out and hurting. I have to admit there are some answers I have given that definitely have nothing divine about them...lol;)
ole hipster
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Yes...isn't that the truth!...sometimes I'll see some answers of mine and say to myself "Did I say that!" It all depends upon our state of mind when coming onto this site and basically leaving yourself vulnerable or wide open to criticism.(:
Since I have admitted losing my memory, I have looked at some answers and not even realized they were mine...lol
I should not worry about having a senior moment God remembers that we are only dust.
Two things tell you when you are going senile:
The first is you start to lose your memory,
and I am blowed if I can remember the second.
Just keep your sense of humour mom and keep asking God for help.
Two things tell you when you are going senile:
The first is you start to lose your memory,
and I am blowed if I can remember the second.
Just keep your sense of humour mom and keep asking God for help.
Seems to me senior moments are a reminder to live in the present. My memories fade away and I know where they are going. I don’t need them here any longer as my time is expiring. So those lovely treasures of my life are going to await my rediscovery of them later. It’s no loss to see your treasures quietly moved to your new home. Eventually you’ll go there too and leave…those who remember you and the love you shared with them. We are their treasury in Heaven also. Who says God doesn’t answer questions here? God is in all of us.
That was beautiful robertgrist...you just made aging and the entire process beautiful...thank you.
See what some people don't always get is that Christians all have the red phone in their pockets, it's a direct line to God. Like the phone on batman. Once you accept Jesus, He lives inside your heart, all we have to do is pray in thought and the connection is established. God will speak to us many times just in our thought, prayer is amazing.
The Holy Spirit will speak to us sometimes through prayer or actions of people, even through events in our daily lives. Mostly I get the word of God through the Bible though. So to answer the question Yes, I think many people are in tune with the Spirit of God and it is easy to access the throne room through prayer. Thumbs up on the question.
The Holy Spirit will speak to us sometimes through prayer or actions of people, even through events in our daily lives. Mostly I get the word of God through the Bible though. So to answer the question Yes, I think many people are in tune with the Spirit of God and it is easy to access the throne room through prayer. Thumbs up on the question.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
I have God within my physical body. I am Soul,a spec of God so I need no phone. He is ever aware of my thoughts, issues and needs. No prayer required, no phone calls made. God's will is done without me even having to ask. May the blessings be. I trust that my God handles all in His own way without billions of voices nagging in His ear or even my one voice.
God speaks to us through sound. The sound of children, the sound of the wind strong and hard or quiet and gentle, the creak and groan of the trees, the storms and sounds of music. God's "voice" is everywhere and it's through these sounds, people can become inspired. Just listen and your heart can be filled with God's love just by hearing the peeps of baby birds or crickets quietly chirping in the night air. God speaks and yes, he uses people to vocalize his speech as He Himself has no vocal cords. Just remember, the negative power, what you refer to Satan, also uses people to speak through. I trust nature, God's unblemished "voice". I do not trust people unless their words truly make a positive improvement in my life.
God speaks to us through sound. The sound of children, the sound of the wind strong and hard or quiet and gentle, the creak and groan of the trees, the storms and sounds of music. God's "voice" is everywhere and it's through these sounds, people can become inspired. Just listen and your heart can be filled with God's love just by hearing the peeps of baby birds or crickets quietly chirping in the night air. God speaks and yes, he uses people to vocalize his speech as He Himself has no vocal cords. Just remember, the negative power, what you refer to Satan, also uses people to speak through. I trust nature, God's unblemished "voice". I do not trust people unless their words truly make a positive improvement in my life.
You know I figured out your allias, welcome back, nice to see you. I didn't mention it to anyone out of respect for your privacy, I mean If people pay attention the names have interchanged a few times, and no one gives me a run for karma points like you do. Good to have you back. Looking forward to you great sense of humor.
God has given His word. We are free moral agents. If we decide to answer in a manner that is kind and loving then maybe we have been influenced by God. We all judge. It is human nature to judge...even when we say "you shouldn't judge" then guess what you have just done? Especially when someone does not believe like we do? Everyone has opinions and beliefs. For some reason we all think ours is the only one that is right and everyone else has got to be wrong or flawed in their way of thinking. I believe in God and His all powerful dominion but I do not force my opinion on others. In the end I can not say it was someone else's fault for the way I lived my life.....only mine.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
dear do you think that God answers questions in this site? Of course, the momment you say no, then your placing limits to the concept of God; consequently, God would seaze to exist. On the other hand, if your are schizophrenic and just want to have a good time. Ask God the question or perhaps you have the answer already.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
God, no. Caring people on this site offer advise and kind words. They hope the attention given to issues presented here, are how God would want them to respond, with compassion and sharing their own life experiences. God is in all of us, can we say we speak for God? It would be presumptuous for anyone to think God will be in agreement with any answers, no matter how well intended on this site.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
What I got from what you said, "Speak for yourself and do not presume to speak for God. Even if God were to use you to speak through, lose the ego that says, God uses me as His follower to speak for Him."
I like that ed. Very good way of thinking. I think that's what troubles me most about some Christians. That fact that they claim they are instructed through their book to speak for God. No man can do that. Only a negative power (ego) in my opinion would instruct people to speak for God.
I like that ed. Very good way of thinking. I think that's what troubles me most about some Christians. That fact that they claim they are instructed through their book to speak for God. No man can do that. Only a negative power (ego) in my opinion would instruct people to speak for God.
colleen...I see your back...I did not say I spoke for God. I said He speaks through us using His Word. I mean the Bible. I know you do not believe the Bible is Gods Word. Thats up to you but my answer is my opinion
Bestway. Years ago I had a 'gap'. I filled it with Jesus. What do you fill your gap with?
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I learned to listen to HIS voice and obey ALL of his commands. I learned how poisonous false religious doctrine was to my spirituality, how to identify and avoid it. I learned how beautiful the word of God is once you identify it from the pagan sludge and man made philosopies that the catholic encycipedia admits was incorporated into Christendoms blasphemous doctrines.
What is the definition of God? Have a lot of. In the Christianity he is the creater. It is in the Islam is the same or similar. A Man. In the Buddhism do not have God, because it is ateist religion, but this philosophy view it: everithing is the Mind or the Space. I think the God is everywhere. Inside and outside.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
dogs,cats, mouses and rats, what do they have in common? four legs!!! i bet nobody guessed that?
0o0oopssszz wrong thread :)
0o0oopssszz wrong thread :)
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
I know Huh ? except the fact that they are not four legs but four limbs, two arms and two legs! god speaks in riddles sometimes :)
by the way is that old guy in the picture YOU?
by the way is that old guy in the picture YOU?
Doublehelex....No it is not me...Its my son.....Believe it or not it is a dummy. I saw it in a garden shop and liked it. I do feellike him at times lol
With so many religious sects claiming to be Christian making uneducated comments, it is hardly surprizing that Athiests like Mr Grit Savage have difficulty in taking them seriously as I do myself. At Revelation chapters 17 & 18 Jesus who transmitted this Revelation to John via an angel discribes this situation as Babylonish. Early Protestant reformers applied this teaching to the catholic church but modern day bible students see it as having infinitely wider applications.
Mr Friendindeed Sir, Have you identified the nature of the entity
described as Babylon the Great? and have you obeyed christs command to "Get out of her?" If you have not then the inheritance you think you have will illude you.
Kindest regards
Mr Friendindeed Sir, Have you identified the nature of the entity
described as Babylon the Great? and have you obeyed christs command to "Get out of her?" If you have not then the inheritance you think you have will illude you.
Kindest regards
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
The problem is with all on this site.
There are horrendous gaps in your knowledge,
and I really, really do mean horrendous gaps.
The true God has given you his written word, Read Psalm 1 and ask yourself, Do I follow this council?
Am I the sort of person the psalmist is speaking of?
or am I trapped by the pollouted pagan doctrines of the apostate churches of Christendom?
Jesus said 'By their fruits you will regognise them'
Look out for my next question. What is the fruitage of Christendoms religious Sects?
There are horrendous gaps in your knowledge,
and I really, really do mean horrendous gaps.
The true God has given you his written word, Read Psalm 1 and ask yourself, Do I follow this council?
Am I the sort of person the psalmist is speaking of?
or am I trapped by the pollouted pagan doctrines of the apostate churches of Christendom?
Jesus said 'By their fruits you will regognise them'
Look out for my next question. What is the fruitage of Christendoms religious Sects?
13 years ago. Rating: -1 | |
Yeah? What do you suppose is my horrendous gap? That I don't believe in your watchtower? I'll take the gap :)
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