    i have changed my yahoomail to yahoo beta how do i change it back just to yahoo mail

    0  Views: 728 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    I am sorry I have seen a lot of people on here asking that same question. I never ever put anything on my computer that has the word beta in it because realtively speaking it is new and basically they are using the ones that chose that as guinea pigs so to speak as it is new and they have not really tried it out good so I never put anything on my computer that says it is beta? But do they not even offer the option of going back to Yahoo Mail Classic that would be better than nothing but I am not sure and I am sorry. Hope you find out how to change it back surely there is? If all else I have in the past emailed Yahoo themselves for technical help and they usually get back to you via email and have the instructions typed up of how to do something perhaps you could try that?

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