    A you get older do you get forgetful?

    As you get older do you get forgetful?

    +9  Views: 1662 Answers: 20 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: memory
    Headless Man

    Good question, I

    20 Answers

    Its pretty scary when you are looking for your glasses and you find out you are wearing them!
    Yes, I think.

    Keep thinking Randy. TU to you.

    I forget once in a while . I don't think age is the reason .I am just 46 I do have MS once in a while I forget stuff I do not now if it is getting toward fifty or the MS it's just goofy at time's


    Hey,our oldest daughter has MS & her long term memory is excellent.

    thanks luck to your Daughter with her MS
    I keep going into a room and standing and wondering what I came in for. Is this the

    That happens to young people too.
    I'm always forgetful!! But then my Dad is, my maternal grandpa has dimentia, my paternal grandma had dimentia and my maternal grandma died of a brain tumour!! What can I expect!!

    I forgot what the question was....

    no just lazy
    My mother was 87 and she had a sharp memory. It has nothing to do with age. It's when you forget where you are and who you are, that's when you have to worry. But, by then it wouldn't matter anyway.
    I am older than 'most' here.. I am not forgetful, reflexes still good enough to beat my 32 year old son in a reflex game, I can meet a person once and remember their name a year later or more..

    Physically? I think i am a wreck, I've had kidney failure, cancer and my joints are a mess but I still get around without support or a handicap placard on my mirror. Fortunately, i have survived the worst and recovered from the kidney failure and I kicked cancer's butt..
    As we get older changes do occur!

    I am  finding myself  a little forgetful at times

    Mom....You will love this. This is true. I put this question on and left..... My wife is working late so I am cooking dinner. I left the cooker to look if I had received any answers. I replied to you. When I went back to the cooker the dinner had burnt. Now dont say I am

    Lol..maybe a nice smokey flavour will add to the meal. Lucky wife you have...maybe someone will think of me like that too one day;)
    Mom...Look at my picture. I am 58 and this is what this site has done to me. TU to you

    Yikes!!! I better get off of here!!! LOL

    Ha Monkey. I thought I looked well in this
    Ms Sinclair

    LMAO friendindeed and monkey11
    I believe...What was the question? do think we all get forgetful at many ages. I'm 42 and wonder what the heck sometimes but to some I may seem old.

    Not old!!!!! I'm only ten years behind!! :)

    Mom...If you look at your karma history you will see that I unvoted your answer. I dont understand how it happened but I gave you anoter TU to make up for it. sorry
    mom worries, I'm really not on here for the karma, more for great personalities like yours...hope your having a great day!
    It happens more as U age, it is just a normal process in life.

    Look at my picture...I am only 35
    Two things tell you when you are going senile.
    First you start to loose your memory.
    and I am blowed if I can remember what the second was? lol.

    Seriously, most people past retirement age can expect to have a 'senior' moment now and again. It does not mean necessarily they are suffering from Alzheimer's, but if in doubt it is wise to get checked out early. There are new drugs that can slow the process with early treatment.
    Gee, I had to scroll all the way back up just to remember what the question was.
    I write everything down that has to be done. If I have to leave the area I'm in and go to find an item, I find that by saying it out loud say for instance "Hammer" it does work. I can't believe I remembered all that.

    well done.
    Monkey... All we can do in life is hope for the best. There are many others in you family and they are OK.
    Do you also lose things often? My memory and losing things got so bad I went to the doctor and found out that I have ADD. Search on the web and it will give you several symptoms. Check your symptoms to those listed. You may also have ADD.

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