    best way to evict a roommate

    roommate is a drunk and violent

    +1  Views: 763 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    This should do the trick.

    This is awesome Ms. Sinclair, thumbs way up on this one.

    Say Hello to my little friend :-)

    You wanna f**k with me? :-)
    Ms Sinclair

    Hey! NOBODY better mess with guerrilla kitty. He's one bad mofo.

    oh ms Sinclare that is brilliant a TU for that

    Hi Pamela I see you watched Scarface as well!:-0
    tell him "the party's over"!!!(go home)
    Just tell him/her buddy you GOT to go !!! Short and sweet.
    whos name is on the lease,if your both on it could be tough,ifs just you and an oral agreement you got to at least give hime 30 days in some states depending how long he been a co tenant
    Restraining order.
    Ms S that has to be worth a thousand thumbs up. You made my day. Can I ask how do you post these animations on this site? make the method simple because I am, simple that is. Thanks again.
    Ms Sinclair

    Just go to an animated free emoticon/smiley website and install the program. Then click on whatever image you want, press copy the code for the image, then right click your mouse in the answer or comment box on this website and click on "paste". You will see the code displayed there (not the image). Now, with the emoticon website that I have been using here I have to eliminate some of the writing at the beginning and end of the code so that it won't appear on screen with the image (I don't have to do this on another website that I go to because the image appears by itself but I do have to do it here). At the end of the code I backspace this:"</a>" erasing it. This appears at the end of the code. At the beginning of the code I backspace (erase) everything to the left of "<img" then press Add new comment or add new answer. That's it. P.S.- You can type in any comments you want to make before or after the code prior to pressing the comment or answer button. If you make a mistake you can always edit your comment and correct it. Then press "save".

    Thanks, if my computor blows up be it on your head.
    tell him/ her that it's not working out for the following reasons---then tell him/ her what the reasons are; such as
    1. non payment of rent
    2. too noisy
    3. not keeping the place clean
    4. your food or money is disspearing.
    5. he/ she has noisy sex all the time with his/her sig other and has the door half open when they do it.
    .......and it could be many other reasons

    it's kinda like a divorce or separation
    Call the police when he is drunk and violent. They'll soon shift him/her.

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