5 Answers
Probably both. Ever hear of H.A.R.R.P. Google it. You won't believe me if I tell you. you'll have to see if for yourself. In fact there are videos of it at www.video.google.com.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
It's now known that after a couple of weeks of being turned off, HAARP was fired up at midnight the day before the earthquake.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
University of Tokyo’s HAARP induction magnetometer
But I wasn't there. Should I belirve you or the University of Tokyo?
You are aware that the High Altitude Aurora Research Project formally known as HAARP, run by Alaska University of Fairbanks, jointly funded by the US Navy and Air Force just to the east of Fairbanks near Poker Flats, changed its name many years ago? As to when it operates and is not operating, that is a matter of public record because they also periodically invite "Ham Radio Enthusiasts" to take part of the studies. But that being said, where did you get your information Roger Wilcoe as to when it was "fired up?"
Thanks Jay. I knew it was HAARP, global warming or terrorists. Couldn't be a polar shift from a galaxy change our govt. isn't telling us about that we should be getting ready for instead of making the fat cats rich so they can get ready the easy way and not have to work for their survival like the rest of us poor "smucks".