    I have a RBC30 bushcutter , while using it this weekend it stalled and when i tried pull starting the pull start would not move

    i have always used the ryobi 2 stroke mix at 50:1

    0  Views: 333 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    I think JDB is right if you got it to hot can do it to.
    It might turn over when it cools down and even start up but more than likely will need a top end overhaul.

    thanks Randy
    your exactly right , I have tried it tonight and managed to get it started but again it stalled
    the engine did not feel excessively hot
    Headless Man

    Rings are stuck I'll bet.
    On a two stroke a top end overhaul will fix it.
    Headless Man

    If you can get it running have the air filter off and spray some WD40 in the carb and try to keep it running for a wile. It will smoke so have it outside and it could free up the rings, a long shot but won't hurt.
    It sounds like the engine tied up. make sure if it takes gas/oil mix that's what you used, straight gas will seize the motor up
    the motor is probally seized try taking out the sprk plugs and pull starting it . If the pull starter still does not move the engine is definetely fucked

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