If you were King
If you were King/Leaders would you tell the people of the world at the end of the Industrial Age and the beginning of the Technetronic Era that you really weren't any better or smarter then they are except for the "hidden or secret knowledge" or that royalty, politics, borders, army's, wars, money and religion were all lies studied at built long ago to control them and that you were soft killing them because they were no longer needed or would you just begin killing them off?
Huh ?
1 Answer
I am King Of The Fleas and my Fleamily are very selective about who they infest, they also have never killed anyone and don't intend to, they are very gentle but can make you itch a bit at times.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Actually a very bad flea infestation can kill puppies or kittens. Your fleas must be much nicer than the average flea.
Hail! Hail! King of the Fleas!
Hail! Hail! King of the Fleas!
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