    Do you or anyone you know suffer from Chrones?

    IS it as painful as it seems or am I a whimp?

    +3  Views: 2589 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: health

    4 Answers

    Hi Jenn sorry to hear you are in so much pain I do know quite alot of people who have chrones and you are certainly not a WHIMP
    dont even go there this is a very painful illness as every one has susjessted seek medical advice and do not put up with pain my freinds have had this for years and are still alive and kicking they do get flare ups but it is controlled with medication and they have mentioned that when it flares up the pain is unbearable so hang in there Jenn and try and get under control "yes your right one of my friends said it was worse than giving birth" good luck for the future mel
    Probably not a whimp. The inflammation is the typical cause of the pain which involves swelling of the intestines. Blockage can also cause pain.
    Boswellia and Tumeric are good herbal anti-inflammatories, which have little, if any, side effects. So is Cinnamon and Honey.
    Make sure you take plenty of nutritional supplements as they are not absorbed as well with this disease.
    Best wishes on getting your remission.

    You are not a wimp, you have a medical condition. My sister-in-law who is 73 years old has had this for years. It has been controlled with medication and the proper diet. Seek PROPER medical advice starting with your regular physician.

    I have a gasteoanteroligist.. For the most part I have issues about once a month or so.. But I would rather give birth than have an attack.

    If you are having frequent attacks then you need to ask your physician why or seek another gasteoanteroligist for a second opinion.

    Jenn, I have two sons who have been diagnosed with Chrones. You truly are not a whimp, the pain is overwhelming at times . I will not go into detail about the problems my sons have endured, but please stay close to your gastoanterologist and your primary physcian. Stress can make the flare-ups more frequent.  A second opinion if your flare-ups get worse would be a good thing. God Bless!

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