    Your thoughts on someone buying that ugly hat for $130,000.00 on eBay!

    Princess Beatrice's hat from the Royal Wedding.

    +5  Views: 1141 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago

    15 Answers

    So he bought the ugly Hat, as long as he not wearing it. I am sure he bought it to help the charity and thats indeed a great deed.
    Good point up there, obviously you don't have to be intelligent to be rich, or to be married to someone rich. I thought the hat and many other ones were cartoonish and pretentious. Another good point was at least the money went to charity...

    Proves the fact that stupid, wasting money people still exist. seriously! I'd never do that, rather donate that much money to the african people if i had. feed thousands of children, instead of buying a freaking hat that could burn any moment in two seconds. and how ugly is it!
    The money was donated to charity. Thank God for people who have funds to do this type of fu thing.
    i was out bidded by just $10.00... still steamed about it
    Ms Sinclair

    Hey I'll sell you ALL of my hats for that price.
    I thought the hat looked like some kind of insect. At least it's done some good. The money is going to charity.
    It would be good if all the famous would sell lots of their things for those not so well off. This was a good idea.
    Randy could sell his head. Give his arm a rest and also improve his

    Hooray. Somebody agrees with me!
    I think they done lost they mind!
    ed shank

    I guess that being rich doesn't guarantee good taste.
    On the other hand, it's a nice memorabilia, isn't it? Would have kept my family laughing for a year.
    So do you think I paid too much ?

    I think you could have gotten a better deal on a nicer looking hat.
    Numbskull, more money than sense.
    I would say that obviously some people have more money than they have any logic or sense.
    Nice to have 130,000 bucks to piss away on a F**king hat, and so many are wondering were the money for the next bill is coming from.
    Not even a nice hat!

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