    what are the signs of schizophrenia?

    +1  Views: 473 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
    ed shank

    Great question.

    7 Answers

    it's a disorder which affects your perception of reality and can cause you to have hallucinations and delusions, so while it's not exactly a split personality disorder, the affected person could still believe they have multiple personalities,

    i think i had the experience of schizophrenia when i took too many sleeping pills. i was gonna talk about it but i scared me.
    "i scared myself.
    i don't mean lightly.
    i scared myself.
    both day and nightly." dan hicks and the hot licks

    I'm not sure which one of 'you' I should respond to.. :)

    we're all on speakin' terms with you, vinny.

    Ok, then I'll have my people contact your people to see if we can straighten this mess out.. LOL
    Roses are red,Violets are blue,
    I'm schizophrenic, and so am I.
    I was suffering from schizophrenia but now I got these new pills that are excellent: we are feeling much better now!

    That's a good sign.. :)
    Nervousness, aggitation, confusion, schizophrenia is not D.I.D (disosciative Identity disorder) There a many grades of the disease. You may have simple simptom all the way to hallusonations and hearing voices... IF you are concerned about it you need to seek the advice of a psyicyatric dr.

    i talked to the doctor who prescribed the pills. he said, "serves you right for not following directions."
    i think it would be very difficult to live with this disorder. i guess there are pills that correct it?

    No.. It does not correct it. They treat the symptoms.. If you stop taking the meds the symptoms come back.
    Brother in-law got it at about age 45. Personal hygiene habits changed, inability to comprehend what he was reading. Changed religions. Constantly disrupting a conversation, and making reference to new religion. Also insisted Allah was talking to him. He's on meds for years now and lives a near normal life.

    We have seen it in our family... I am glad to hear that Bro in law is doing well. THe meds for it are amazing!
    who, what, when, where, why...ME??!!
    I really feel sorry for anyone that does! I know a couple and it is quite difficult to live with.

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