    Happy Birthday! Spaceghost

    At a day in your celebration
    'Cause we all know in our minds
    That there ought to be a time
    That we can set aside
    To show just how much we love you
    And I'm sure you will agree
    It couldn't fit more perfectly
    Than to have a world party on the day you came to be

    Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday!!!

    +5  Views: 1358 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    At a day in your celebration
    'Cause we all know in our minds
    That there ought to be a time
    That we can set aside
    To show just how much we love you
    And I'm sure you will agree
    It couldn't fit more perfectly
    Than to have a world party on the day you came to be

    Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday!!!
    have a happy, happy birthday from the botom to the top of my heart from me ...daren
    "Happy Birtday"! I hope you have a great day, wherever you are. Ann
    Happy Birthday Spaceghost.
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SPACEGHOST....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Just got logged on....I knew it was your're on my B-Day list...everyone beat me to it...I hope you have many more my friend! We'd all be giving you your birthday spanking if you were really with us! Guess this will have to do...Love from the Ole Hipster (:
    ole hipster ... i'll sing it for you for spaceghost ...(the song is stuck in my head. thank you very much)

    you say it's your birthday
    it's my birthday tooooo
    you say it's your birday
    happy birthday to you
    we're gonna have a goood time
    we're going to a party party ...
    going to a party party ....
    You know what, here I am a 57 year old man, sitting at the computer crying !!! They are tears of joy, just thinking about how many friends or more like FAMILY, that's here on this site. I LOVE and RESPECT YOU ALL. This means so much to me, you guys have REALLY made my day. Now I need to go finish crying LOL. LOVE you.
    ole hipster

    Gosh Spaceghost you made me tear up with your reply and I HATE to cry, even though I'm a female..I feel the same way you do about the folks on this site as I don't have many friends and my family is "iffy" at best...birthdays do kind of get to a person though so cry away my friend! (:

    We love you, back! Have A Happy Birthday with your family and friends...dry those eyes :-)
    ole hipster

    Spaceghost dry off your computer keys now and celebrate. Wish I could play "You Say It's Your Birthday" by the Beatles for you but I'm running the song through my head right now...just in your honor! (:
    Yip. Happy birthday to you. If you really want a happy birthday it will be if you spend the whole day on here reading all the fantastic questions...every one. Perhaps
    Happy birthday SPACEGHOST,may you have as many more as you want. 57 is that right? I'am right there,57 in Jan. Have a good one.
    ole hipster

    Gosh you guys are really getting old...hope you've joined AARP by now...otherwise you can start by joining the old farts/fartesess (:

    It may be time to change our names too "ole Rick" and "ole ghost"
    ole hipster

    Hey not such a bad idea!! We'd be alphabetically in sync though I'm a few years older than you guys!
    Happy Cake Day!!!Enjoy and celebrate!!!:)(:

    happy belated birthday

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