    How come people get upset when you say God or Jesus


    +10  Views: 7622 Answers: 36 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: god jesus belief


    Hey dh, thanks for this but it's not necessary. We all have our opinions. It's OK. None of it bothers me really. I understand where Randy is coming from and I did come into his thread to answer the question. I do not hate that he spreads Jesus's message. I never asked him to stop. I was merely stating what I've seen from others and agreed with them that the Christian religion is mentioned in just about all threads here. I'm sorry that they take that as people hating on Jesus, this is just not the case. It's more the fact that the ones here are regulars & they see it every day.



    Have I ever said that to you Randy (that you shove it down my throat)? I don't believe you and I have ever really had much of a religious conversation. If we have, I don't remember. Anyway, have a good day.


    Because people have a predisposition to avoid truth, particularly when confronted with the Father of Truth - God!

    Headless Man

    As long as if I speak of my FAITH you don't say I'm shoving it down your throat we will be fine. You can't shove any religion down your throat, only educate and answer questions. You need to decide on your own what to believe. As for me its, God, Jesus, Holy Sprit. Love, Randy

    Headless Man

    No I don't think you have, but I don't take names. Love, Randy


    RANDY palmer and ILuvjesus, leave colleen alone please, i like her, it's her life and her choice and god created us with a free will, she never stated she hates christians and i'm sure she respects us. i'm one christian too, but randy i know your trying to spread your love and stuff but colleen has obviously stated she hates it. like she said she believes in a different version of god, and not the christianity one, and everybody has the right to believe what they want to. leave her be instead of criticising her. life is short :]


    as long as your fine with it, your right, everyone has their opinion :] peace everyone :D I LOVE JESUS TOO
    were all on the same boat


    Randy I have been told to go to some other site and stop asking Christian Questions. We were told to go into the world andd preach the good news. Lets go

    36 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    funny thing is you can say god all day long as soon as you mention the word "jesus"people are all up in arms



    If you call disbelief that Jesus is God "being up in arms" then that's your right to see it that way. Sitting in this thread trying to antagonize people into arguing with you is silly though.



    I meant the conversation here is meant to needle people into coming in and saying something. Please look at the operative word "spread". When you stick to one site and pore out the same message over and over, that is not spreading. It's piling.



    Not even sure what you mean by that. Conscious thought and visually seeing the Christian belief posted to this forum in just about every thread on this forum speaks to me that it's being piled on. What I said was all inclusive, not just you Randy.



    Always complaining about what? I do not open the threads asking you all why you have to keep dropping your beliefs all over the place.



    OK, where did I single you out? "What I said was all inclusive, not just you Randy" "I do not open the threads asking you all << all"



    LOL, well I only posted because you, daren and friendindeed seemed so lonely looking for others to come and respond. Of course you singled me out, I think I am the only non Christian to respond to your thread.


    OK so this is the active part of this question...... Some ppl feel condemned because they do not know that the message of jesus is peace... (not world peace but internal peace). another reason is ppl who are not of faith feel we are brianwashed and want to take them down with us. thirdly There are also ppl who see our thirst to spread the word as weakness... As though we have no life other than talking aoubt Jesus all the time.

    Headless Man

    How true, his name has power.

    Headless Man

    <a href="/users/975/colleen/">@Colleen</a>, Antagonize, that's the last thing I want to do. I have just been telling people how I believe and encourage them to try it out, I believe it's the only way and it's my duty to spread the truth. Love, Randy

    Headless Man

    Your conscience ( Holy Spirit) may be talking to you Colleen if you fill like it's piling on it not me , I'm spreading the word. Love, Randy

    Headless Man

    Ok, Colleen but you're the one who is always complaining about it, keep coming back we love it. Love, Randy

    Headless Man

    You just did. Ask me why I have to keep dropping My beliefs all over the place.-- I answer this because we are asked to go into the world and preach the good news. Love, Randy

    Headless Man

    I don't think you single me out, but you are on my link and your welcome, I've kinda singled you out. Love, Randy


    how do we know this is the only site randy uses to do his piling?

    Why can a Name that some dont believe in cause so much anger when they here His name mentioned. Strange.


    You two are like celebrities of the AkaQa page. Colleen is the celebrity and IluvJesus is like TMZ watching her every move :p


    I think thats what I just said to you. Either way, sure why not. I enjoy this site just as much everyone else and was just trying to make light of the situation. You're allowed to be happy you know :p



    I've been told by a member or 2 here to stay out of the religious threads. I'm doing my best to honor that order. Oopsy, I think I just crossed the line again.



    No, it wasn't you dwayne.



    I never told you to stop loving or serving. First you should take all that you preach and apply it to yourself. You are way too bitter and vindictive to be a good Christian. Once you actually master what you preach, then you can spread the message and maybe have people listen. The only reason you stay on this site is to stalk me and stir up sh!t. I'm not the only one who sees this. Go ahead. Make a fool out of yourself yet again. Christianity is full of negative people. You're just one more.



    You read the scriptures. Listen to some of the good Christians here who will tell you, "in your face" preaching and antagonistic actions are not the way of your lord.



    I'm not angry but you are. Your words will only stand to prove what I've said. This thread has been here for 18 hours. You were in last night after it was posted. You did not post to it then. You chose now, after I posted to say something. You're last posting to me was "I'm done with you....for now". Clearly meaning you would be watching for your next chance to strike.

    Yes, I do believe there are good Christians. I believe a lot of them get the message of Christ loud and clear. You are not one of them. I even believe in Christ. I just don't believe he is God.



    I voice what I see. If you call it judging you, that's your issue, not mine. You do not debate. You strike and attack. If that's me judging you, then again, so be it. You've done nothing but judge me because of my beliefs for weeks now. You just choose to ignore it in favor of, if you're sinning, Jesus will just take your sins for you.


    It doesn't matter Colleen,I will never stop serving the lord,c'mon join the thread,I will preach the news of the good lord to you until your ears fall off.Let's goooooo!


    Read the Scriptures,nobody's forcing,but If I back down or let someone try and block,I'm not serving.


    Colleen,you don't know me,I'm no fool,stalk you?Please,don't flatter yourself,you choose to enter this thread and so did I.Why so angry?


    Oh wow,you actually think there are good Christians?You a non believer?


    Again,I can assure you,I did not enter the thread because of you,but again you don't know me and cant judge me,you of all people a nonbeliever cannot tell me I am no christian,I know and Jesus knows that is all that matters,and actually ''I'm done with you for now",means I know we will debate again,you speak freely to anyone on here you please,so why cant anyone else.But again "I'm done for now".


    @ Ashligh LOL,and you are the Paparazzi,peeping out our every move,there to watch and photograph!

    Headless Man

    People are strange, they don't want to answer to anything that has to do with a God. They don't know what they're missing.


    i will never tell you to stay out no one is born a christian only by hearing the good news


    I dont think you can force our lord in or the devil out. prayer is the answer


    I think we could take a lesson from pavlov and his pup

    I used the name Jesus on this site and was voted down. I was told by others that I asked too many questions about God and Jesus and was told to go to some other site. Why the fear


    It's OK,you and I and a few others on this site speak the truth and our serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.They are afraid of the truth,so they conjure up nothingness.I don't care about being voted up or down or karma points there not more important than my faith.Keep up all the wonderful scriptures and words,I enjoy reading them!


    You are right. Thanks for your words ( IluvJesus )
    if im going to be called anything so be it, as long as i dont miss gods calling
    Headless Man

    Good response.
    I think its rules, no one these days want to follow GOD's rules, but we all need them.
    Just think if everyone followed only 8 of the ten commandments what a great would this would be.

    It gets old after awhile.. Someone (stranger) comes up to me and starts preaching Jesus to me I think they are a a bit rude and they come off to me as a bit nuts..


    The only reason it comes off a bit nuts is because you don't believe,and your heart is closed,their just telling you about his love,but if you still close the door per be it.


    Because Jesus said so,if you think you run the afterlife then your crazy,you are right you probably have lived your life cleaner than some Christians because Christians are only human and make mistakes daily,your right you can believe what you like,you made your choice so be it.Here is a smile right back at ya.:)


    There is more to it than living a clean life,to say he doesn't demand would be ludicrous,because there are some boundaries there,he wants us to go and teach about his word,trust me I don't have the patience to slam anything down anyone's throat,I will bring it up,but if one refuses to listen that's their choice that they have to live with.


    Wow,no your not listening to me,well it was a pleasure,this is going no where,you have your views and I have mine,no Jesus is no puppet master,I have said that before,lets just leave it alone,good night.


    If you are sitting on a park bench minding my own business and relaxing, someone comes up to me hands me a Jesus pamphlet and begins talking about how I need Jesus in my life and how I need to be saved is annoying. I just don't understand the reason for assuming that I need your help to get to heaven? I lead a clean life, which is better than some Christians I have known, what do I need to be saved from?? Just a straight forward question. You can believe what you want, so can I. :) <-----smile


    I don't understand your statement 'if I think I can run the afterlife I am crazy" That's just another can o' worms.. :)

    I too am christian, (believe it or not) its just that I have many questions. You say 'Jesus said so' He said I must listen? I must be saved? I must what? In my Christian teaching, Jesus died on the cross for all of us, not just a chosen few. I feel that Jesus the almighty is the supreme being and a compassionate, I do not believe he sends us to hell because we do not bow at his feet. This type of reasoning is what our Muslim friends believe --->


    ...I just find it difficult to believe that Jesus 'demands' anything of us, he just wants us to live a clean life, respect those around us and be compassionate with each other, this does not include preaching to those that do not want to be preached to.. I certainly respect your beliefs as I am sure most are also mine but I keep my faith contained in my heart where it belongs, not spilling it into areas where it is not wanted. faith is sacred, keep your faith to yourself, this is not a 'dis' to any religion or to you please understand this!


    Furthering my comments: Another thing I don't understand is i see where some people state that Jesus (God)punishes those that do not heed his word.. etc.. I just can't see a perfect Jesus with such an ego problem. Bowing to him, passing on his teachings, offer praise to him, and so on.. I can certainly understand wanting a being over you that can help you in your ways but I really can't buy the egomania placed upon him, in the second coming, I would think he would take the time to correct this madness and quit making him look like a ego struck dictator.


    Did you read any of my words above? Your answer is like nothing makes a difference, its the same-- Don't you see the questions? Don't you ever question yourself and your beliefs and where they come from? You say that we don't listen to you then its our choice we have to live with?? HUH? That is rather arrogant..Your teachings are so perfectly right and we infidels will perish in hell?? Is this what your Jesus wants you to do? Ignore opposition? Sorry, i don't buy that Jesus is a demanding dictator commanding slaves like puppets. I believe he is more compassionate than that.


    Yeah, I agree-- Although i don't see my comments totally as views, more like a search for facts that you did not supply, as i would expect from anyone with a closed mind to opposition. I feel this same way about liberals, they too get angry and walk away during interrogations asking them to explain their views. I will leave this conversation respecting your views and beliefs, I am sure and quite certain that in the after life we will meet again in greener
    pastures. God bless you from one christian to another.. :)

    This is a difficult question to answer, each person will have their own reasons why these names and references bother them. I think many of us, when we are young, remain open to the God question. As more time passes and we choose to (accept or not) the concept of Jesus or the God of the Bible, we build up a resistance to God's voice.

    Sometimes it just get's on peoples nerves, if you don't believe, if you thought there might be a slight possibility that these Christians are right, wouldn't it bother you? Somewhere in the depths of our minds we all know, or at least consider, that there is a higher power that we can't explain. If you had a bunch of people telling you that you are going to hell, would that upset you on some level?

    I know that I am a believer and I can't perfectly explain the reasons, but I can understand where they are coming from.

    I think it's because when people hear someone reference god or Jesus they feel as if they are going to be judged and found wanting. Especially, if they are agnostic or atheist. Basically, it's insecurity.



    He's right sammy, I think he just chose a wrong word. I'm guessing his intent was to use a word like, avoidance. They just don't want to deal with the commercial for the bible that repeats itself over and over and over and over and over on this site daily.



    Well then your comment didn't apply to me. I believe in God but do not follow the Christian version of God. It does not make me uncomfortable or upset or angry or in angst or insecure. It just annoys me to see them promoting their beliefs in virtually every thread, religious or not. If I were promoting reincarnation in every thread I entered, I bet they would get just as annoyed with me. : )


    No, I meant insecure, uncomfortable, angst or whatever you want to call it. I myself am a secular humanist, so I don't believe in a supreme being and Sammy you seem to be unusally upset at an honest comment. Maybe, you should get some rest and calm yourself.


    I understand what you are saying,Colleen. I don't mind people defending their beliefs. It's the ones that go into attack mode and start insulting people without making a serious attempt to discuss the issue and there does seem to be a lot of religion inserted into almost every subject here.


    Yes, well Sammy, you don't sound calm. My response was my opinion and nothing more. I never said anything about being right while everyone else was wrong. If you don't like my response then don't read it and take a chill pill.


    Sammy why are you on my case. All I am doing here is answering questions the way I believe. I dont insult you or anyone else. I dont agree with the things you say but I dont vote you down.




    to you bigben,i am calm thankyou very much its people like YOU that get on my nerves your right and everbody else is wrong according to you,well we all dont belive in the same things like it or not!!








    i am not on your case friendindeed,i was very annoyed by what you said in a previous comment and dont agree with what you say either but thats always gonna be the case with me being a non beliver,so the best thing to do is to leave it at that and move on.

    Because people are confused about everything.

    as a christian then how come i dont get upset at the name of budda or mohammad
    Maybe they're muslims. They get mad at everything.
    I can't understand people getting offended so easy anymore, the sight of the cross, the name of Jesus or GOD, just about anything that has to do with the Christian religion.

    Check out:
    Matthew 10:34
    Mark 7: 9-10.
    This Jesus guy doesn't sound like much of a Christian to me.



    Jesus doesn't sound like a Christian because he wasn't a Christian. Christianity is built around him and a book write about his time on earth, some of it by writers who never knew him and speaks very little of Jesus's full 33 years on this earth. Obviously not too many knew Jesus for a long period of time back then.



    @ tami

    ♫♬♪ I see your true colors shining, through, I see your true colors and that's why I laugh at you.. ♩♭♪

    I was not responding to you. I responded to nomdeplume.

    I'm not your doll. And aren't you living a free life knowing you can just hand your sins over to Jesus? I at least accept the mistakes I make and take care of them myself. You just schlep them off. Would you like some more Kool-aid? I wasn't going to use the Kool-aid bit again because it upsets you so but then you just HAD to go and call me doll again after I asked you nicely not to.



    You're still getting the racist bit wrong. Religion has nothing to do with race. I don't have sin. I have karma. I pay back for bad karma I incur in this lifetime in my next lifetime. I see you're being "only human" again, lol You give your sins to Jesus and he absolves them for you. You schlep them off.



    Now worries, I'll take care of my karma. : ) Karma has nothing to do with love.


    You speak for yourself,you obviously don't know Jesus....another stranger.


    Please don't start nonbeliever you are a fake wanna be nothing,I don't have to tolerate your messed up views,and your fake make believe God,if you don't agree with mine just keep quiet to my post.And I'm stalking you?look in the mirror doll.keep living your free do whatever you want life.OK?


    No I don't drink kool-aid you racist pompous heifer,how do you take care of your sins?Not any differently than any other sinner .I don't know how you come off with the I just schlep them off bit.Your funny.You are a waste of space.Done.


    @ bestway,go somewhere with that garbage....done talking to you to.You should be called noway.


    What in the world.......


    Hey Nondeplume, your effort to strike at God and Christianty has no substance. One cannot critique something they do not understand. Rather than throw a meager stone, when opening the word of God, be sincere and ask the Supreme Father to show Himself to you. If sincere, the Hound of Heaven will expose His reality to you - perhaps not the moment when reading a verse, but it will happen. However, He will NOT play with a fool. You must possess sincere conviction in seeking truth.

    Headless Man

    To answer "nomdeplume" statement. These were not non Christian remarks, if you put it in context, Matthew 10:34 He was trying to say that you need to love Him more than your own family and this might cause problems. Mark 7: 9-10 He was pointing mans laws are not GOD's laws. Read the bible don't just post scriptures you don't understand. Love, Randy


    Strangely enough I have enpathy for nondeplumes point of view, and the scriptures he quotes shows a very different Jesus from the uneducated sentimental sludge we hear from what are often termed Jesus freaks. Keep searching Nondeplume and keep an open mind.



    "Lord I will follow you wherever you go'' Luke 9:57. Never apologize for your lord.The words of the lord hurt and offend until there is nothing left to be hurt or offended.Jesus Christ had no tenderness whatsoever toward anything that was ultimately going to ruin a person in his service to god. I found this on my cousins wall,I will never stop serving my Lord and savior Jesus Christ,my love for him is indescribable,he's see's me through each day and loves me always,his love is so powerful.I love Jesus!!


    This post speaks the truth,I will never back down when it comes to the lord.

    Sammy66 hi papa peg just wanted to say hi.And hope things are cool.

    Headless Man

    Hi, your opinion is welcome.....


    hiya papa peg,ive only just seen this post,im good thanks hope you are to!

    . . . Then for the Dogmatic Fundamentalist, does it become the "myway or the highway," mentality; orthodox. Though not all are called to speak, these truths, those that do are crucified mentally, persecuted phycologically for their ideology; foul dogmatism.. If there weren’t laws, they would be stoning True Men in the streets today.  Indeed, there would be a lot of crosses “along the Appian Way.” Jesus suffered this literal crucifixion for daring to speak the truth in a place where there is no truth, sacrificing himself to awaken the true seekers. Not has changed for though this is be the time of knowledge, understanding remains aloof. For knowledge without it has simply become the new ignorance of this time, raised to its new position. It is thus in this time Christ speaks directly to and through the hearts of of all the Sons of God, each and individually. Let them hear it who can, let them receive it who can, now in this time and in this place wherein the shadows seek for the light.

    . . . therefore God is within with all His saving grace though Love, his Son. The haggling comes when persons not understanding this Absolute Truth, which is God, loose focus on the goal which is finding and knowing God, simply because someone else is doing different than they. That is why God the Father sent his Son, the Christ into a body (Jesus), the last time, to teach these very things. In the end how one seek, God is up close and personal between ones self and God alone. Problem, such persons are condemned by many or most who have yet to take this holy journey, having been brainwashed from birth by fundamentalism, they are unable to think (spiritual activity) for themselves, minds locked up, they become parrots, with no uplifting revelation of there own.

    Because the truth is hard to perceive in a world of lies, though many think they have the monopoly on it.. Even existence itself is a lie for it ends death itself is the greatest of lies. For what ends is but a dream. Therefore Reality is within men, it is Life, Spirit, the very Presence of the Everlasting. This is the Good; this is God and His reflection in the world of men is Love, not as worldly men say Love but Spirit. The haggling is in the "living" of Life, which is simply the activity of Life, in a material world; in the Existence. Again death resides in the living, not a part of Life. Gods gift to men was the Soul, individuated that men might know Him personally.

    33matthew 9:33How come people get upset when you say God or Jesus
    And when the demon was driven out, the man who had been mute spoke. The crowd was amazed and said, "Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel." 34 But the Pharisees said, "It is by the prince of demons that he drives out demons."

    Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit
    4:31-37pp -- Mk 1:21-28
    31 Then he went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and on the Sabbath began to teach the people. 32 They were amazed at his teaching, because his message had authority. 33 In the synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon, an evil spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice, 34 "Ha! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are--the Holy One of God!" 35 "Be quiet!" Jesus said sternly. "Come out of him!" Then the demon threw the man down before them all and came out without injuring him. 36 All the people were amazed and said to each other, "What is this teaching? With authority and power he gives orders to evil spirits and they come out!" 37 And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area.

    8:26-37pp -- Mt 8:28-34 8:26-39pp -- Mk 5:1-20
    26 They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee. 27 When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs. 28 When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet, shouting at the top of his voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don't torture me!" 29 For Jesus had commanded the evil spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places. 30 Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "Legion," he replied, because many demons had gone into him. 31 And they begged him repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss. 32 A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into them, and he gave them permission. 33 When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. 34 When those tending the pigs saw what had happened, they ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, 35 and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus' feet, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. 36 Those who had seen it told the people how the demon-possessed man had been cured.

    I've begun to believe these demons reside in the bodies of extreme Christians who stalk people and try to force their demented cult religion on them. If there were a devil and he wanted to screw with souls on earth, who better to use for this objective than religious sick believers? These believers are bad and filled with negative desires of control and conquer. Just like the Christian soldiers of the dark ages.
    How come people get upset when you say God or Jesus
    .hello everyone:the spirit no the spirit,and the flesh no the flesh.its not about flesh,and blood.i believe this is why God want us to forgive one another,and forgive yours self.there is a spirit war going on,on when the name of God,or Jesus name come up,the demons in the body of the protest persons think thy are filling this way, because thy do not no God,but the demon hate God, because the demon has to leave your the demons have to find another body to polarizes.anger person,confused person--etc.
    The Name is so powerful,Beliv it friend,there's no other Name that can make demons shake to their nees & take off.If the Name of Jesus didn't matter,no one will even bother paying attantion when you mention it.So,to you Randy I say Preach on for if anyone listens to you & abides,there celebration up in Heaven.If you would like to see the Name Jesus working,just chek on your internet and watch Emmanuel tv even for an hour
    Headless Man

    Sounds good, but I don't have the band-with out here in the boondocks to watch TV on my computer, check this site for a lot of good teachings and videos:
    because you're breaking the ten commandments by taking Gods name in vain.
    Headless Man

    True, However I'm not talking about using His name in vain just saying His name.
    Because they don't believe in God/Jesus but don't let that get you down because in the end those people will have to answer to God/Jesus.
    God is Love, Spirit, Light, Creator of Heavens and earth. He has many adversaries. Genesis 1-50. Luke 21. Matthew 1-28. John 1-21. Mark 13.
    daren1, guess if your a Christian you won't get offended?
    Why would a name offends anyone?

    Believe it friend,what pipo dont understand,they call names,What they understand they out
    I think your right Taybby, GOD Bless you.

    depends on who is pitching it and how.

    Because it offeneds them idk how or why just does

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