20 Answers
Congress and politicians for the most part are a bunch of money hungry thieves that need to get booted out on their backsides next election.
Just because the country has been wasting our hard earned dollars for years doesn't give them a reason to practice politics as usual.
They need to be held accountable for their actions or in most cases non-action. They are just along for the ride it seems, while the country is being flushed straight down the crapper... We need real politicians who are willing to sacrifice for this wonderful country, ones that want to make it better for the common man and woman.
I have zero respect for most of the lawyers that are elected into congress just because they paid this person and did favors for that group, Washington is almost completely corrupt and needs a cleansing.
I hope all of us will take our grievances to the polls and hit that lot of corrupt snakes where it counts, boot most of them out. Just my opinion though...
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Yes yes and yes.....they tax, tax tax Americans.....give small business loans to aliens and deprive Americans of affordable healthcare....some governments provide free healthcare...not ours....and not once do they consider what the AVERAGE American has to live on....them with their hundred thousand dollar incomes....they will never care what it is to struggle to live like the AVERAGE American. They can afford vacations can we....They have healthcare do we....they have life insurance pension funds IRA'S CD's...etc.....never once do they say WHEN HAVE WE TAXED THE PEOPLE ENOUGH? It will never be enough....whether we have a job or not we must pay taxes...to eat to drive to live.....
14 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Randy, love the comment.
Unfortunately, I forsee tax increases in the future as this country is simply running out of money. Everyday I read of social service cuts (IE education, fire, police, library, infrastructure etc) from Federal, State, County and City. Unless this country can regain it's manufacturing base and middle class which brings in tax revenue because today's economy of working poor who cannot pay high taxes and the rich, who find every loophole to aviod paying their share is not working. Exoenditures far outweigh income. This country cannot survive at this rate.
We need to get rid of ear marks completely, like Obama promised to do, but hasn't yet. We need people that want to improve the conditions in this country, not congressmen who want to make contacts and get paid for doing favors and rewarding government contract to their campaign supporters.
I've mentioned this before, but I was at a city government for less than a day and the corruption I saw would make people poop a brick. It's unimaginable to the average American how corrupt our political system really is. That's why our country is in the terrible state it's in right now.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
mean while people on social security they have not had any raise's senior's and disabled who only have this to live on.Then they have raised the deficit sky high the Dollar was strong once no more crazy I am going to stop or this will be long.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
If you ment is government robbing us, then most definitly, Yes. You can thank Obama, Greenspan, and all the other conspirers of this. You see, it starts here. We give taxes to pay for debt. Then government takes that money and puts it in a pot and saves it until an amount has collected. They take that money and give it to the country or our choice from whome we borrowed it. Deflation happens, and we then have less to give out of our pockets. The state construction and maintainence and all has been paid for with borrowed money and the taxes pay it back.
What has been happening is the value of our currency has been going down due to exessive borrowing and the interest of that debt increases, which then makes our taxes go up. If that's not enough for you, then try this on for size. We don't ever see ourselves getting out of it. You know what that means, taxes, taxes, taxes, and when they feel satisfied they will tax us again. Not to mention, the same fucking politicians that allow these taxes to go on, the ones that voted for it, they get there hands wet with OUR MONEY. Bullshit, and that's why America is heading for a revolution.
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Yes they are and there really is nothing we can do about it except to limit their power. When their actions (ie. voting records/public behavior etc.) are directly linked to the priveliged time they get to have serving "We the People" and the "priveliged perks" that go with that time are scrutinized by us the voters and we ALL vote to either limit those terms or ALLOW them to go on and do good works will these clowns even tremble. They know we bitch and moan and then stay at home watching "the Bachelor on voting day" They know we are lazy and they count on that. They know we wont start a grass roots movement to limit their terms.......b/c if their terms were limited say to 2 per person...they may realize they are expendable...and if their lives will mean a damn thing at all to anyone but themselves, they may just want to do something with their short time in office. They may want to work FOR us and in the meantime create good law, help the people, stand up for their constituents, work for democracy and their bosses...(us)! I really do believe STRONGLY that term limits would pop their ego bubbles and the days of we the people being taken advantage of for years and years and years will be over!!
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Salary of House/Senate...$174,000.
Salary of Speaker of House...$223,500.
Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders...$193,400.
Average US Salary...$33,000 to $77,000.
Maybe our elected officials should make an average salary too...It's a time of sacrifice after all...
Are YOU DEAMING? The government only WORKS, sits, LESS than half a year. And your wrong, people would / will adapt very quickly. What do you think happens during lets say... "England WW2". Bombed nightly! Mr. Churchill, or the royals... never pick up a single brick! France, Berlin. There's an adjustment period,[chaos briefly] butt people pull together and get through it. You DON"T NEED the government, it's forced Upon you. They are way over staffed, inefficient, wasteful, barely competent. Their REAL job is to set business rules, implement large costly endeavours [infrastructures], Maintaining securities [military], and police. The rest of what they mostly DO, is come up with NEW WAYS to pick your pocket.
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Are YOU DEAMING? The government only WORKS, sits, LESS than half a year. And your wrong, people would / will adapt very quickly. What do you think happens during lets say... "England WW2". Bombed nightly! Mr. Churchill, or the royals... never pick up a single brick! France, Berlin. There's an adjustment period,[chaos briefly] butt people pull together and get through it. You DON"T NEED the government, it's forced Upon you. They are way over staffed, inefficient, wasteful, barely competent. Their REAL job is to set business rules, implement large costly endeavours [infrastructures], Maintaining securities [military], and police. The rest of what they mostly DO, is come up with NEW WAYS to pick your pocket. YOU WORK, and give 55%. The difference between the mafia and the GOVERNMENT is't a lot! They are COMPETATORES. Mafia loan shark 30% or less. Credit cards 18% to OVER 35%. Insurance HUGE! Utilities up & UP. Pay'$' ATTENTION! >>[55%]<< & climbing They are supose to BE, working FOR YOU. They are EMPLOYEE"S! Public SERVANTS ?
14 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Are YOU DEAMING? The government only WORKS, sits, LESS than half a year. And your wrong, people would / will adapt very quickly. What do you think happens during lets say... "England WW2". Bombed nightly! Mr. Churchill, or the royals... never pick up a single brick! France, Berlin. There's an adjustment period,[chaos briefly] butt people pull together and get through it. You DON"T NEED the government, it's forced Upon you. They are way over staffed, inefficient, wasteful, barely competent. Their REAL job is to set business rules, implement large costly endeavours [infrastructures], Maintaining securities [military], and police. The rest of what they mostly DO, is come up with NEW WAYS to pick your pocket.
14 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Are YOU DEAMING? The government only WORKS, sits, LESS than half a year. And your wrong, people would / will adapt very quickly. What do you think happens during lets say... "England WW2". Bombed nightly! Mr. Churchill, or the royals... never pick up a single brick! France, Berlin. There's an adjustment period,[chaos briefly] butt people pull together and get through it. You DON"T NEED the government, it's forced Upon you. They are way over staffed, inefficient, wasteful, barely competent. Their REAL job is to set business rules, implement large costly endeavours [infrastructures], Maintaining securities [military], and police. The rest of what they mostly DO, is come up with NEW WAYS to pick your pocket.
14 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Salary of House/Senate...$174,000. Salary of Speaker of House...$223,500. Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders...$193,400. Average US Salary...$33,000 to $77,000. Maybe our elected officials should make an average salary too...It's a time of sacrifice after all...