    what can I do to get energy to work out?

    I work long hours.

    0  Views: 523 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Sometimes exercise gives you energy.

    Do get your health checked out, but if that is okay, and you eat well, force yourself to work out. Decide to do it, no matter what, for three days running... not too much or for too long, and see if you start to enjoy it.

    Also, many gyms will advise for free on a programme suited to your level of fitness.

    Does working out bore you? Use an MP3 and listen to music while you walk, pedal or row.
    To me its a mental thing, get a routine and stick to it and reward your self after you get to certain goals you set for yourself, Eating well is also a must but a lot is very mental
    Have you had a CBC..complete blood count done? There is a possibility that you may be anemic. Do you eat red meat? I am a vegatarian and I am chronically anemic which does make you fatigued. There is also a condition called CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that is very real and lots of time comes along with aches and pains of the muscles and joints. You could try taking an iron suppliment or drinking a cup of coffee in the morning or if you don't like coffee...cola. If weight is an issue diet cola though diet isn't really good for you with the artificial sweetner.No matter what they say sugar is better for you plus does give you energy also if you don't over do it. Those are a couple ideas. I would see an internal medicine doctor if you are chronically fatigued. It could be the sign of something more serious. Especially I take it you are not past menopause. You could have fibroids causing flooding, cramping and a great deal of blood lose monthly or some people lose blood through their intestional tract and don't know it. Good luck!:)
    I take 4 mg astaxanthan twice a day. BIG improvement.
    high protin diet

    and the will to do it.

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