    how do you beat a breathalyzer test

    0  Views: 730 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    If it's you, why would you want to? Do you drive a vehicle or fly something that could endanger someone's life? Why would anybody here answer this question?

    Don`t drink and drive dopey.
    If you drink and drive you dont deserve to beat the test
    Don't drink alcohol.
    Challenge the accuracy of the machine, when was it calibrated last? When was it cleaned last? The machine has a scary accuracy percentage something like 88%. Florida recently threw out thousands of DUI's because of these issues. Lawyers = Big bucks. Bottom line is, "DON'T DRIVE DRUNK, IT'S STUPID AND ONLY A**HOLES DO IT"
    You can`t refuse sorry you CAN refuse to take the breath test in which case you will be arrested and charged with "Failing to provide a breath test" You will also be tested at a police station and if you refuse again you are in deep brown smelly stuff. I repeat my inital answer "Don`t drink and drive"
    Refuse to take it. If you do take it, there is really no way to beat it. Take your punishment and learn from your mistakes!
    simple, don't drink and drive

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