<a href="/users/5429/johnboy/">@johnboy</a>, Billy Graham was one of the most humble evangelist I have had the chance to know do some research before making such a statement. Love, Randy
Watched Billy Graham on TV many times years ago..to me he was just a money making machine....too fanatical..his eyes were the give away.
24 Answers
If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area in his life.( sounds like profit statement to me .)from a Billy graham quote
14 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
most Americans are rich so why shouldn't Billy Graham be rich? America gives away in 1 year more money than the G.N.P of some countries
excessive wealth and power are designed to drain the life blood of the working man thus enslaving them to the demands of the rich hardly crusade& prophet material radar
perhaps you should have voted yourself for easier tasks such as following crusaders with a collection box.
Radar says "most Americans are rich" I'm not and I know millions of others would agree with me!
Well all I gotta say is when.You don't have a job and welfare wont help you.I probaly will see you with the rest of the non belivers.Across the street at the Church that hands out food to all people.
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

Just so you know, this non believer helps out at the local church in the soup kitchen. I do it to help my fellow man because God has been good to me in my lifetime. I see it as paying back for the good that has come my way. I also donate food to the local food shelf (non religious). I help anyway I can. Every Christmas I donate money for children who were born with a cleft lip so that they might have the surgery required to correct it.

No matter how bad people treat me and stand against me because they do not agree with my life, I will not give up on my fellow man. Religion should work that way too. Non believers SHOULD be helped by church's offering help since what they have to give doesn't always come from only the believers.

A little editing.
Churches give more money to the poor and ill except for the government who taxes their aid.
(Not sure if that's completely true.)
The church gives it's money freely (but then what they give is donated so it's not really their money. They just distribute.)

I think you missed my initial point however. This isn't about who give the most. It's about who gives in servitude to their fellow man. I went one year to the local church to see if there was a family I could help for Christmas. The woman I spoke to was going nuts calling members of the congregation to help out with the Christmas dinner for the less fortunate. She needed 10 people. 2 said yes. I offered my service and have helped them out anytime they call. Where was the generosity from the believers?.

MY POINT...non believers may on occasion use what the church offers but the church gives what is donated from many. Believers and non believers alike
Churches give more to help the poor or ill than any group, except the government, and they have TAX (and wast most) church money is freely given. Love, Randy
I could only guess what church you went to, I know my church as a district gives almost 98% of what they get and it's collected from members.
He is a crook that's what he is 2020 did a thing on them TV preachers and you can go to you tube and watch them yourself they discus me they will go to a hell if there is one. By the way is there a hell ???? back in the days when the thought the world was flat they came up with hell thought if the walked off the earth they would fall into hell. but we now know the world is round so where is hell now? oooo sorry the Christians might say no in the bible the world if flat so its flat. Good God folks get a life.
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Interesting comment Jwalker, when the rest of the known world thought the world was flat, the Bible claimed it was round. Don't figure? Two of Billy Grahams grandsons are preachers and gifted speakers. I went to one of their churches for a while, very well educated and eloquent speaker.
No Billy doesn't consider himself or claim to be a prophet.
14 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
The Hebrew record is the oldest, because Job is one of the oldest books in the Bible. Historians generally [wrongly] credit the Greeks with being the first to suggest a spherical earth. In the sixth century B.C., Pythagoras suggested a spherical earth. [JSM]
Eratosthenes of Alexandria (circa 276 to 194 or 192 B.C.) calcuated the circumference of the earth “within 50 miles of the present estimate.” [Encyclopedia Brittanica]
The Greeks also drew meridians and parallels. They identified such areas as the poles, equator, and tropics. This spherical earth concept did not prevail; the Romans drew the earth as a flat disk with oceans around it. [JSM]
The round shape of our planet was a conclusion easily drawn by watching ships disappear over the horizon and also by observing eclipse shadows, and we can assume that such information was well known to New Testament writers. Earth's spherical shape was, of course, also understood by Christopher Columbus. [DD]
The implication of a round earth is seen in the book of Luke, where Jesus described his return, Luke 17:31. Jesus said, “In that day,” then in verse 34, “In that night.” This is an allusion to light on one side of the globe and darkness on the other simultaneously. Courtesy Christian Answers . Net
Billy graham did the work of a prophet because he went to the back blocks places like Australia and India to preach ,(the pope followed) He could have sacrificed himself and stayed in North Carolina with them Southern belles the gorgeous ones with perfect figures (yes we even know about them here)
14 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Nope he was a fundamentalist, orthodox in every way. Shudders, he wrote "The (paraphrased)Living Bible." Destroyed the whole purpose of Christ's Parables. Though he thought he was doing good trying to make it easier to understand, i will give him that. God Bless um, he just didn't understand.
14 years ago. Rating: 2 | |